the otnaicus daily

Edition 225 – 野柳, 台灣


So here’s the promised post about 野柳. As you can see from the panorama above, 野柳 is a peninsula situated along the northern coast of Taiwan. It’s an area filled with beautiful rock formations due to sea, and possibly wind, erosion. Went there with a colleague on 24 November 2007.

We made the journey by bus to the place. The bus ride takes about 1.5 hours and that’s excluding the time required for us to take public transport to the bus terminal. All in all, a one-way journey took as about 2 hours. And thank God for the good weather while we were there.

yehliu_queens_headThis place is also famous for a rock formation that is known as the Queen’s Head. Why? See picture left. Doesn’t it look vaguely like a queen’s head? Unfortunately, you can only see this outline from a certain angle. From another angle, it looks like a bird’s head. It took quite a while for us to take a picture with the Queen’s head. Tonnes of people were trying to take a picture. A Caucasian even tried to take a photo of the rock from afar using a 200mm lens. He held the camera and lens up for like 5-10 minutes before he finally got a picture. After a while I got pretty frustrated, just snapped a couple and went off. Couldn’t be bothered to get a quality picture without anybody in the background.

yehliu_compositeOne of my better-liked pictures on the right. Had to venture of a bit into a prohibited area to get this picture taken. It was just a perfect spot, what with a high vantage point and away from people obscuring the fore and background. The picture on the far right is a not-so-properly executed picture of me “lifting” the rock behind me. Oh well, it was a good try anyway. And of course, my favourite… Me sitting on the rock “meditating”. Just had to climb up upon that rock after seeing another guy do just that. The rock looks big but the surface area on which I was sitting is pretty small. Getting up there wasn’t a piece of cake either.

Here are just a small subset of the pictures I took. You can head over to my gallery to view more. I have some stitched panoramas there and I’ll be uploading some more pictures as soon as the gallery server allows me to upload more. So enjoy the pictures. Cheers…. :Þ