the otnaicus daily

Edition 236 – Week Over!

I’m kinda glad that the week is over. It marks the end of my two weeks acting as PM for the project. Challenging but I feel that I’ve come out of it learning something and one step closer towards realizing my dream of being a project manager. At the end of the day, I think I can say that I’ve learnt to swim fast enough to keep me from drowning. While I thank God for the opportunity, I also thank God that it’s over. Heh…

Had a pretty good dinner earlier. It was the appreciation dinner for the local company that my company has partnered with for this project. So the vendors working on site were invited too. Felt very awkward in the beginning because nobody talked and was very quiet. Thank God that things loosened as the evening progressed. But even as we enjoyed ourselves talking to each other, I noticed that almost nobody talked to the boss. Made me wonder exactly how lonely can leadership be. Because in the eyes of most employees, the boss is just that, a boss. No matter how outgoing or friendly a boss can be, employees may think that the boss has ulterior motives somehow. Or maybe they’re scared of what the boss might think of them if they loosened up too much. Oh well….

I realised today that it’s 11 months exactly to Christmas. Not that I miss Christmas but it just simply means that January is OVER!!! My goodness, that’s just fast. Pretty soon, you’ll start the new Chinese year and February will be half gone before you know it. It’s scary how time flies.

One more week before I head back to Singapore. It’ll be great to be back in Singapore, even though it’s only for a few days before heading to Penang. I think the few days back will be a busy one for me. Gotta run around getting stuff and gotta meet up with a good friend because that’s the only chance I get. Can’t wait…

So I’m headed off to bed. It’s the weekend but I’m tired out from the week. Gotta get my beauty sleep. So until the next time, cheers… :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Edition 217 – Back In Taipei

Well, a week flies by so so fast. And it’s already the second day back in Taipei. As usual, lots of work that needs to be done. And the pace when I’m back in Singapore and when I’m here is so different. And hence, the need to readjust again. All in a days work… Haha..

Enjoyed my week back in Singapore thoroughly. Parents came down to spend some time with me, although I feel kind of guilty for not being able to spend as much time as I would want with them. Of course, time spent in church and with friends. And definitely, fantastic to be able to see Debbie after 4 weeks. That’s just simply indescribable.

The week went by pretty normally until Saturday, 10 November 2007. I shall immortalize this date in my blog. This was the day that time stood still for me (at least for a moment or two). This was the day where something that nobody thought would ever happen, happened. This was the day that Cam 1 toppled over while it was in the least risky part of setup: during the roll-out to the platform. My jaw dropped and I was at a total lost and in a total state of shock.

First thing that ran through my mind: where to get a replacement lens? Cam 2 just ain’t gonna cut it for tracking. And Pst. Ulf was preaching some more. Well, suffice to say I recovered. And thank God that the lens on cam 1 seem to be alright, although the casing was dented quite badly. But for the rest of Service 1, it developed a back-focus problem that rendered the lens partially useless and I had to swap my cam 1 person over to cam 2. Just a very, very eventful day. Unfortunately, just not the type of events that I would want to have.

Exaggeration and jokes aside, this incident really brought home to me (and I hope to the rest of the TV Ministry) of how much we sometimes take things for granted. When a particular incident hasn’t happened before or hasn’t happened in a long time, we take for granted that it will never happen or will never happen again. And this is when things get dangerous. We start to slack in our attitude towards things to a point that a mistake gets repeated.

And that’s where we start to think: are we good stewards? All the members’ sacrifices are just flowing back out into the world because of our carelessness. Why can’t we adopt a more responsible attitude and prevent something from happening in the first place? Yes, mistakes do happen and humans are not perfect. But if mistakes happen because we haven’t exercised due care, doesn’t that amount to irresponsibility?

I do hope that we, as a team, myself included, will begin to see that we have a stake in the ministry we serve in. We have a stake in the equipment that we use week in and week out to serve. And we have a responsibility to the church to use the equipment properly and to maintain it because the church has a stake in the ministry and the equipment we use too. We owe it to the church. It is a responsibility that’s placed upon us.

Wow… A post that’s supposed to be light-hearted turned out to be pretty serious. But that’s just some of the thoughts that are on my mind after what happened. Just thought that I share my two cents worth.

Until the next time, cheers… :Þ