the otnaicus daily

Edition 290 – The Late Edition

The week has gone by very fast. It felt like the week started not too long ago and we’re now coming to the middle of the week in a few short minutes. At least, in my opinion, I had a productive week so far.

Work has been ramping up pretty quickly for me. The company is fetching and is trying for quite a few external projects and I’m being roped in to help in them. For a moment, I felt as if I’ve been thrown into the deep end of the pool yet again. But I surprise myself. I used to feel very lost and stressed when I’m faced with such situations. But today, I just tell myself, “Rise up to the challenge!!” Yes, I still feel stressed and lost but I guess I’m handling it all differently now. I take it in my stride and tell myself that it’s all about stepping out of my comfort zone and doing the best I know how. And I take comfort in knowing that I have colleagues and friends whom I can turn to when I need the help. I’m used to managing projects in the IT world, but this is a whole new ballgame and I intend to step up to the challenge, since I’ve decided to go down this route.

This week has seen me going under the weather as well. Perhaps it’s because of the fickle weather. Blocked nose, frequent sneezing and feeling hot. I think I have a fever that comes and goes. A teeny bit of sore throat as well. I pray and hope that it’s not one of those cases where I fall sick badly (*touch wood*).

My Mac has been serving me well. Exactly one week old today. And the mouse hung on me today. Keyboard was working fine and the applications and operating system were humming along. Just the mouse decided to hang. Over-complicated drivers for the multi-touch stuff? Perhaps. It was so bad that I couldn’t get the Mac out of sleep mode when I came back from a meeting. I had to resort to pulling the battery. Oh well, like a friend said, Mac or Windows, it’s call created by humans. And I’m typing this blog entry on a Windows 7 x64 virtual machine running on the Mac. Cool eh?

This has been my longest entry in a while. Guess I’m in the writing mood. Tomorrow, there’s a high-key meeting at work that I’m supposed to participate in. Hope if there are questions that come my way, I would be able to answer them. God, really need your guidance and favour on this one. Want to be at my best for the company and for You!

That’s it for now. By the way, typing on this keyboard is such a joy. But I think the experience is hampered somewhat by the keyboard protector that is over the keyboard. But all in the name of protecting the investment.

Until the next time, cheers… :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Edition 289 – MBP

I had a friend ask me this week what is MBP. I had mistakenly thought that this was a pretty synonymous acronym that people would know. You know, acronyms like MRT, SBS, TCS, SBC, etc. But apparently, I think MBP is only known to gearheads. In other words, computer nerds.

So WHAT is MBP? It stands for MacBook Pro. And why am I blogging about this?

Because I am now a proud owner of one. Thanks to my new company subsidizing the cost, I purchased a MBP for work. Have always wanted to own a Mac, and finally I have one in my hands. Didn’t take long for me to get used to a Mac having used one in the office prior to purchasing my own notebook. But I still feel that some stuff are better done on Windows. In short, I’m happy with it.

But one disappointing thing. A day after I received my MBP, I read on the Net that Apple has quietly bumped up the specs of the MBP. So now, the model I purchased actually came with a 2.66GHz (mine comes with 2.53GHz) processor. Sigh… Who wouldn’t be disappointed? But then again, it’s only a 0.13GHz difference.

So know the whole world knows what MBP stands for, or at least the readers of my blog. Until the next time, cheers…

PS: I gotta figure out how to get that accented “U” that looks a smiley on a Mac.

the otnaicus daily

Edition 278 – Drool….


Enough said…. Cheers… :Þ