the otnaicus daily

13.04 – Chinese New Year 2013


I have been looking forward to this for a while now. It’s the first time traveling back to Penang to visit the parents in two years. And it’s Izzie’s first time taking a plane.

So how was the experience taking a infant on board a plane for the first time? I guess I can only say “praise the Lord” because Izzie was a cool baby throughout the journey. She didn’t cry at take-off, or landing. And the only time she cried was because she was hungry. Indeed, Debbie and I are very thankful to have such a great daughter.

Reunion dinner was a sumptuous affair as usual. Did I mention before that my mum is a great cook? Just look at all the delicious dishes that she has prepared. Missed my mum’s cooking, and the best of the best comes only during Chinese New Year’s dishes. Just so yummy.

This year marks the first time I have to give out Ang Pow. For the uninitiated, Ang Pow is a red packet with a token sum of money meant for wishing children and the singles good luck and prosperity in the new year. Although it felt great to bless those around me, it felt awkward to actually go up to my nephews and nieces and give them the red packet. I’m sure this feeling will pass with practice.

All good things have to come to an end, and in no time we’re back in Singapore. I will end this post with a nice picture of Izzie that I took using a proper camera. She is now 6.5 months old, and she’s sitting on the Ikea Poang armchair, that doubled as her bouncer…

Izzie at 6 months

the otnaicus daily

13.03 – First Week at Nursery

And we have survived the first week of my wife being back at work full days, and for Izzie to be placed at the office’s nursery.

It has been a while since I have to wake up every morning from Tuesday to Friday at 6.30am, and it has been a challenge the whole of the week. Why so early? We have to give Izzie her breakfast, bathe her, and then prepare ourselves for work. The wife has to leave for work at 8am, and me at 9am.

The wife then brings Izzie to work. She carries her in the baby carrier, and together with her bag and Izzie’s diaper bag, she braves the peak hour rush on the bus and/or train to and from work. I’m amazed and am so proud of her. It is really not easy, and I have a new found respect for mothers.

Izzie is enjoying herself in the nursery as far as we could tell. The aunties there all love her and her antiques. And I’m so grateful that she doesn’t kick up a fuss when woken up at 6.45am on the weekdays. She will slowly rise, and then, with sleepy eyes, gives you a smile to say that she’s awake.

We’re into the second week of this new routine now. Izzie seems to be adjusting well to the routine. On weekends when she doesn’t need to be woken up so early, she would sleep in till her usual waking hour, which is around 10am.

Even as we conquer one challenge, there are new ones that are just around the corner. That’s what keeps life interesting. But that’s another post for another day….

the otnaicus daily

13.02 – Family Holiday

clubmed_bintan_beachBeautiful view isn’t it? I’m fresh back from my first family vacation. It’s Izzie’s first time abroad also, and yes, her passport works!


We had a great time at Club Med Bintan Island. Our first time at Bintan and I must say that we enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. I like the idea that the package is all-inclusive. Food, drinks (house pours and beer included), and accommodation. Most, if not all, the activities are included in the price as well. In short, a stress-free holiday, without the worry of paying an additional cent over what you have already paid for the holiday. Sorta like a cruise getaway, but on a beach resort.

They had the best welcome that I’ve experienced at a resort. The staff, including the resort’s General Manager, comes out to the lobby to personally greet every arrival. After a quick welcome speech, a staff will show you personally to your room. Your bags are delivered to the room shortly after. And your holiday commences. A really nice way to start actually.

Because we had an infant along, we didn’t really take part in a lot of the activities. But we loved the beach. My wife and I could just sit there for hours enjoying the breeze and the sound of the ocean waves crashing. Even little Izzie enjoyed it. The breeze easily made her fall asleep in her pram and made her miss her feed.

The only disappointment I had was with the food. It’s mainly buffet-style dining, with a small restaurant serving a la carte. Taste was so so, although there were highlights in their menu rotation. Best in the bunch were their Indonesian cuisine.

Club Med has pretty good facilities for kids and babies. At some of their resort, they actually have babysitting servicesfamily-club-med-bintan for infants. Unfortunately, the one at Bintan Island doesn’t have that. But they do have this Baby Welcome Pack that comes as part of your holiday package. They will put a play pen with mattress, bottle sterilizer, and a baby bath tub in your room as part of this welcome pack. This is definitely convenient for us as it meant that we had to bring along less things on our getaway. Their main restaurant also has a baby corner that is stocked with necessities for feeding a baby.

Check out is a breeze. You leave your bags outside the door at the pre-determined time and the porters will come and whisk your bag off to be loaded onto the bus. When you leave the resort, the staff and the General Manager once again sends you off. A very good good-bye as well.

All in all, I feel that the overall experience is good. The biggest plus point for me was the Baby Welcome Pack. I would certainly try out their other resorts in the region such as Bali, Phuket and Cherating.

Best part of the holiday is the precious first holiday that we had together as a whole family. The time spent together was precious, and it’s always a reminder to slow down and enjoy the more important things in life.

the otnaicus daily

13.01 – Simple Pleasures

izzie_tummy_timeWatching Izzie play today reminded me of what are simple pleasures.

Look at her. She’s simply lying down on her tummy and looking at a toy with flashing lights. Yet she’s so happy to be able to do such simple things. In the picture below, she’s simply sitting in her bouncer, feeling the textures on the fabric of the chair and looking at her daddy and mummy going about their chores and activities. Daddy will sometimes look at her and make noises and faces at her, and she would smile and give a happy snort.

It makes me wonder if we would still be happy and contented knowing that our basic needs, e.g. having food, water and a roof over our heads, are satisfied?

izzie-bouncerI guess it can be difficult in this day and age to be satisfied with just our basic needs. The competition and constant need (or want) to stay ahead will make us pursue the better things in life. In short, we want upward mobility. But even as we chase our dreams and visions, let us remember that sometimes the simplest of pleasures can indeed satisfy the soul.

the otnaicus daily

12.02 – Child Care Leave

The past two days, I was on child care leave. For the uninitiated, child care leave is a type of leave granted to parents in Singapore with young children up to the age of 7. You are entitled to 6 days per year. So I was using it all up before the end of the year.

It has been a while since I spent most of the morning at home with Izzie alone. It’s an interesting experience. I wake up, send my wife off to work, and then wait for Izzie to wake up. Then it’s just activity after activity. You have to feed her, bathe her, and wash her clothes. Then I spend some quality time playing with her. And then after some time, she would get bored and sleepy, and hence become cranky. Then I would have to try to put her to sleep by carrying her and trying to calm her down. She finally falls asleep. And when she wakes up, the cycle kinda starts all over again.

Any regrets spending the past two days at home? Definitely not. It’s priceless. Time well spent. I would love to do it again some time.

the otnaicus daily

12.01 – Thanksgiving…

smiling_izzieThis year has been a year full of changes and firsts. Definitely an eventful year, even though the events centered around one major thing: my wife’s pregnancy.

The year started out with Debbie finding out that she’s pregnant. I was overjoyed. Our prayers have come true. We started about doing what first-time parents-to-be would probably do, which is to research as much as possible into the pregnancy. But it was a pregnancy full of ups and downs.

I think the worse “down” came during the last trimester. Debbie was diagnosed with polyhydramnios (excess amniotic fluid in the water bag). And it went pretty much downhill from there. She was hospitalized for a total of about a month.

I think God has really been good to Debbie and me. I thank God for all the friends who stood by us since day 1, when Debbie was first admitted to Gleneagles Hospital. It made that entire month just that more bearable.

The journey was difficult, but it taught me what it meant to let God’s will be done in my life. There was a night when I was praying, the Holy Spirit prompted me to say those exact same words that Jesus said when He was in the Garden of Gethsamane. It was hard saying it, and I did not know if I would mean it, but I said it anyway. I think that did something in the spiritual atmosphere, and right there and then, I surrendered everything to God.

Against all odds, Izzie came into this world without much complications. Even the suspected hydrops (accumulation of fluid in heart and head) wasn’t there. She was out of the NICU within a couple of days, and within a week, she was back home. Although she has some congenital heart-related issues, the doctors have so far found that she displayed no symptoms of those issues. We keep praying everyday for total healing and for her condition to never take a turn for the worse.

I think for Debbie, those first few weeks at home were quite torturous for her. After having been confined in the hospital for a month, she had to be confined at home for another month (the Chinese tradition of confinement). Add to that the challenge of having to learn how to care for a newborn as we are new parents.

I think it’s undeniable that God’s hands has been at work through all this time. The challenges that He has placed in our path definitely brought us closer and stronger as a married couple. For me, it taught me what it means to be a parent. I can begin to understand all that my parents must have gone through when they were bringing me up.

Izzie never fails to melt my heart with her smile. It’s so amazing that every morning when she wakes up, she’ll spend some quiet time on her own without disturbing anybody. Mind you, she would have spent 9 to 10 hours without milk as she has started sleeping throughout the night. What makes it even more interesting is that she’ll give me a smile every morning. No stimulation required. She’s just happy that Daddy is there to say good morning to her.

All in all, a pretty good year I would say… Praise the Lord!!

the otnaicus daily

Edition 313 – Wedding Photo Shoot

Debbie 02

And so Debbie and myself went for the shoot yesterday. I was mentally prepared for a physically tiring day, but not too ready as to what to expect from the shoot. So we went, expecting the best, and with the best attitude we could find possible.

WX so kindly obliged to come along to help with the shoot. But I think she ended up being bored stiff  as the photographer didn’t allow her into the studio for most of the shoot. Still, she walked out to help us get lunch. That was definitely a great boost!!

Debbie 01First half of the day at the studio definitely was better than the second half spent walking around under the hot Singapore sun. At least, while outdoors,  the Princess had fun on a swing hung from a tree. The smiles definitely waned as the day drew on. But I think it went quite well. Hoping that the pictures will turn out good and justify the effort that the “models” have put in.

Until the next time, cheers… :Þ


PS: The photos above are not samples from the shoot. That’s just my bored self, my iPhone 4 and Camera+ app. Nice? Hahaha….

the otnaicus daily

Edition 312 – Photos From Penang, Malaysia

Penang Beach 01 Just a couple of photos I wanted to share from a recent trip to Penang. Went there on a work trip, not a holiday. First time going back home, and not actually going back home. Interesting experience. Because it’s for work, I got to stay at a hotel at Batu Feringgi. This is where all the beaches are and I didn’t realise that it could be this beautiful.

Anyway, enough said… I’ll let the pictures do the talking.. Cheers… :Þ

Penang Beach 02

the otnaicus daily

Edition 311 – A New Chapter

And so one chapter of my life has ended, a new one has started. An exciting one…

A lot of things happened since I last updated my blog about half a year ago. Time really flies and we’re now into the last quarter of the year. Man, I should really update my blog more…

Anyway, one major change in my life is that I’m now a home-owner. About a week ago, I shifted out of my rented apartment and shifted into my own three-bedroom apartment. The feeling is surreal. Sometimes I still can’t believe that I am living in a place that’s mine. No more moving and no more apartment hunting. A place that I can call my own, and I can stay here for as long as I want, without a worry that a landlord might come chasing me out of the house. The only thing missing is that my Princess has yet to shift in.

Of course, with a home comes greater responsibility. Chores become a more integral part of your life since the house is your own, and one will decidedly be more involved in the upkeep. Not easy, but I look on the bright side. It’s a form of cardio; a good time to sweat it out.

I really wanna thank God for this place. I’ve always felt that it was a blessing as the home was nicely renovated and I didn’t have to redecorate the place. All it needed was some minor additions and alterations. And the previous owner left behind a whole lot of appliances and furniture. Saved a fair bit there.

So now a new chapter has begun. A new chapter where I begin to build a family. With my wife. And with God at the centre of it all.

I promise to update more… Until next time, cheers… :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Edition 310 – God’s Love For Us

The above skit never fails to move me to tears, even after watching it a few times. Parallels what we face in life sometimes. Lyrics to the song below…

Everything by Lifehouse

Find me here
Speak to me
I want to feel you
I need to hear you
You are the light
That’s leading me
To the place where I find peace again.

You are the strength, that keeps me walking.
You are the hope, that keeps me trusting.
You are the light to my soul.
You are my purpose…you’re everything.

How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

You calm the storms, and you give me rest.
You hold me in your hands, you won’t let me fall.
You steal my heart, and you take my breath away.
Would you take me in? Take me deeper now?

How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

Cause you’re all I want, You’re all I need
You’re everything,everything
You’re all I want your all I need
You’re everything, everything.

How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

Enjoy… And cheers…. :Þ