the otnaicus daily

Edition 304 – Engaged….


I finally did it. After 4 years. On 12 January 2010, I went down on one knee and popped the question. And I’m glad I did it.

It wasn’t really well-planned. I was in Penang and I just got this urge to propose on our 4th Anniversary. However, no concrete plans formed as to how I’m going to do it. Up till the night itself, I still had no idea how I should do it. Suddenly, I felt like how I felt 4 years ago when I asked if Debbie would like to be my girlfriend.

Went to Morton’s of Chicago to celebrate our 4th Anniversary. In short, I had a fantastic experience there. Fine dining is something else. And after that, I brought her to Marina Barrage so that we could find a quiet place to talk.

The plan was to reminisce about the 4 years that we’ve spent together and to talk about and envision how our life together might be like. And the time was right, I would get down on one knee, say some stuff, and ask the question.

Well, Mr. Murphy tagged along that night. The envisioning the future part didn’t turn out how I had played out in my mind. I thought to myself, “This is it… Time to plan a 2nd attempt another day.” But I managed to get Debbie to talk a bit about the future, after much probing. Then I thought we’d just end the evening with a word of prayer, to commit the 5th year to God.

Brilliant idea struck there and then. How about praying about our future, and then turn it into a proposal. I seriously can’t remember how I did it, but it was done. And my dear Princess teared at the right moment. And I moved in for the “kill”.

IMG_2715 I said my piece. I teared, Princess teared. I asked, she answered “YES”. I placed the ring on her finger. And the rest, as they say, is history. But I would like to think of it as a start of a fantastic future together. History that has yet to be written.

It seems all so surreal now. And it feels as though that a new “honeymoon” period has started. And it feels as though that I’m meeting Debbie for the first time and falling in love all over again. Mushy stuff, I know. But that’s exactly how I feel.

I know that God has a great plan for us all laid out. The proposal was rounded up with a prayer to end the prayer that I started. Committed everything to God. And only with God’s grace and blessings can we move forward.

Yup, that’s the story of how I proposed. And I learnt a lesson as well from that evening. NEVER, EVER go to Marina Barrage at night without your own car. Getting a cab was not easy and it was kind of like a wet blanket on a otherwise fantastic night.

Until the next time, cheers… :Þ