the otnaicus daily

Edition 309 – It Is Finished!!



Every year, after the last Easter drama run, we will proclaim this. But this year, I think it is a new beginning of a new group of people who are rising up.

IMG_0505 Proud of the relatively new team at the helm of the production. The first-time Easter drama director and two first-time drama ADs did a fantastic job with the very limited number of rehearsals. Not to mention the rest of the team who made this production very possible. It is only with their sacrifice and zeal that the TV production is as good as it can get!

Go team, go!!! :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Edition 308 – Easter 2010

And so Easter is tomorrow. Right now, we are hard at work running rehearsals with the CHC Drama Team. The night is young but things are looking up!

This year, I have a team of younger crew at the helm of the production. Seasoned vision mixer/director, and two ADs who’re pretty new at the job. I’m glad things are turning out well and they are fitting into their roles. Me? I’m the video playback guy, tech guy, and somewhat of a producer’s role.

Like the directing team, I’m new to this producing business. It’s quite different from directing and vision mixing. Gotta ensure that the show can happen and take care of the little things that will make the show happen! Long way to go but I’m willing to learn.

I’m glad that new people are rising up to take up the challenge of being part of the drama crew. It’s not easy. Late nights, the need to take leave from work and school, and the need to serve for ALL services. And of late, the need to be familiar with two separate sets of cues. Proud of everyone that has stepped up to take the challenge, both past and present.

So do keep the entire Easter production team in prayer. 7 services. It’s going to be tiring, but it’ll be a great weekend!

Until the next time, cheers… :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Edition 307 – Encounter With God

This morning’s SOT session blew me away. It ended with Rev. Ming giving the students an encounter with God. And those of us upstairs in the control room also experienced it.

I can’t remember exactly what happened and how it led up to the moment, but I found myself tearing and just experiencing the love and warm embrace of God. Totally cool. And at the end of it all, he got us to sit down and write down what God has spoken to us, in the form of a letter. And this is what I managed to type down while tearing….

Dear Andrew,

I know the difficulties and problems you face in your daily life. But I want you to know that I’m always here for you. Never forget that I am here. Always lean upon me as your source of strength. In whatever you do, always know that I will always be with you. You are my son. I have made you while you were in your mother’s womb. I know how many hairs you have on your head. I know you!! Lean on me my son. Never ever forget that I’m always right next to you. Carrying you whenever you face walls in your life.

I love you my son. And I will always love you no matter what.


Cool, isn’t it? It was so encouraging to have that being put into my heart. The words just flowed and I typed until the words stopped.

And after I got all that down, I was pretty surprised I managed to type all that with my eyes closed. I could even correctly correct my mistakes while eyes were closed.

Thank you, God, for putting that word into my heart….

the otnaicus daily

Edition 303 – Perplexed

Of late, I’ve been wondering why is it that it’s so difficult to get people to serve in the ministry. Does it only affect CHCTVM? Have we been so lax that the attitudes have changed so drastically? Or are the people today just like that?

But yet as I sit down to think about it, I have no answers to the questions. I’ve heard comments that the crew doesn’t care how much others are stretched; they only care about themselves. Now isn’t that just plain selfish?

As leaders, we are supposed to inspire and to lead. So how effective have we, the leaders, been? Have we been doing things the correct way? Is there a more effective way of leading the crew?

I know it takes two hands to clap. But it has just gotta start somewhere. Best place to start? I guess that’s from the top. There must be a way to inspire and to lead more effectively.

Super random post but I need to get thoughts off my chest. What triggered this is that it’s becoming more and more difficult to get crew to serve, especially the crew from the Expo team. Yes, there is a core group of people who’re dedicated to the ministry. But that’s a small group. What is needed is that the masses, the rest of the ministry, avail themselves to serve.

A fellow leader brought up a point. Why is it that a smaller team in JW can fill up a roster faster than a team that’s more than twice in size combined? I think it boils down to the commitment level of a crew. I’m sure that the JW team and the Expo team people are not much different. We all have our own jobs and commitments outside of church. So why can the JW team stretch themselves so much? Some even serve longer hours than than the team in Expo.

Well, I guess it’s time to pray and seek the answers from God. I don’t have the answers, and neither do I want to present an answer here. This is just me ranting about a real problem that needs a real fix and real quick.

Food for thought? That’s for sure. Until next time, cheers… :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Edition 300 – Serving God

I thank God that I was woken up on Sunday morning, and subsequently couldn’t fall back asleep. So I took the opportunity to turn on my computer, surf on over to CHC’s webcast and started watching. And I was really touched by the sermon that Pst. Tan preached.

I was reminded of a time not too long ago by the sermon. The time where CHCTVM would come together to serve God just because we wanted to serve Him, and not serve at OUR convenience. I guess this is something that needs to be caught and not taught. Granted that there are some situations that we really can’t get out of and as such, we can’t serve.

The question we have to ask ourselves is, “Why do I want to serve?” Is it because we are told to serve? Is it because we are forced to serve (this then, is not called serving)? Or do we really want to come before God and sacrifice our time to serve him joyfully? Serving is a conviction, and not a preference. Serving God is something that requires a level of commitment, but above all that, we come to serve with joy, passion, and wholeheartedly!

I’m reminded of how important serving with joy and passion is. Without that joy, we lose interest in all that we do. It’s like our job and career. We all want to do something that we like to do and we do it with joy and passion. When we lose that, we become demoralised in where we are.

So the big question is how do we keep our passion alive? I guess some of it is personal. For me, it’s always reminding myself of the first love; why I joined the ministry. For the most of it, a strong walk with God must be always at the centre. Look at it this way: you’d do more for your loved ones right? So our relationship with God has to be right there in the middle of everything.

The leaders over us and friends around us also play a part. We need to be fed, refreshed and inspired. In short, we need to fill up our “petrol tank”. Yes, we do get tired as we are all humans. We need people in our life that will encourage us to keep us going. We need leaders to inspire us to reach higher and further, and not to stagnate.

So what keeps you going? Why did you start serving in the first place? Is the ministry where God called you? What is your first love?

Find the passion… Find the joy… Let serving God be just that. All other things are secondary. Oh yes, and while you’re serving, learn and learn and learn new skills. That’s how we all go higher and further.

Cheers… :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Edition 294 – The Week After Easter

Random post coming up…. You’ve be warned….

  • Been busy rushing for a project. Suddenly felt like the Taiwan days again, rushing people for changes and testing the rushed changes.
  • Immediately following the Easter drama, the TV crew and myself had to attend yet another rehearsal for the Love Busters series.
  • The Princess made her directorial debut for dramas. She did a fantastic job.
  • Another TV crew made his debut as a drama AD. Did not too bad of a job too. Definitely trainable.
  • I can see myself being replaced as drama director… PTL!!
  • Spent some nice time with the Princess last week and this. Feels good to make time and spend it with the loved one.
  • Discovered that I appreciate coming to TD for SOT in the mornings. Nice to have a bit of quiet time away from the office to do work.
  • Am at SOT right now typing this.
  • Went for karaoke session with the TV gang yesternight. Had a good time laughing and fellowshipping.
  • Had a pretty expensive dinner before that though..
  • The first time I saw the Xtron office close, locked up and armed by 7pm.
  • I’m coming to the end of this post.
  • Until next time, cheers…. :Þ
the otnaicus daily

Edition 293 – Easter 2009


And so Easter 2009 is over. A fantastic drama production, coupled with powerful preaching from Pst. Kong led to a lot of lives being saved. Praise the Lord!

This Easter is pretty taxing. Tonnes of services, most of which has its own drama and its own sets of rehearsals, meant that our crew is stretched to the max. But I thank God for willing people who are ready to stand in the gap and go all out to make Easter happen. May it be serving multiple services, or being part of the many drama crews, these individuals have come together to work as a team, and together produced a fantastic production that made a difference!

So a big THANK YOU goes out to all the willing individuals. YOU have made a difference and God will surely remember your faithfulness. Keep on keeping on!! :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Edition 284 – Christmas….

After going through so many Christmas drama rehearsals, and watching the rehearsal DVD, I just feel that we’re back to square one in terms of shots. It’s very different watching from a makeshift stage and watching when the dramatists are on the actual set. Camera angles change, more cameras become available for use. And when that happens, I feel lost. Well, we just have to buck up during the rehearsals tomorrow.

Recently, I don’t know why but I started learning PHP. That’s a scripting language use for the web. And my first project as I’m picking it up is to create a management system for the TV ministry. Actually, I wanted to use the language that I’m good in, which is Java, but it seems much more complicated than a PHP-based website. So I’m taking this opportunity to work on one and to pick up a new language. Hope this steam that I have to work on this will not die out… Haha…

Don’t know why, but recently there seems to be nothing to blog about. Maybe it’s been really a slow month. So until the next time, cheers… :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Edition 282 – First Service After Asia Conference

It felt very very very very slow. No pre-service rush. No last minute announcements to dump out. No last minute playback tests to do. No rushing in and out of the control room to grab a bite in between the playback tests. Just the good ol’ pre-service setup, colour balance, briefing, service and the debrief thereafter. Sure feels weird…

It definitely feels different after running on high gear for a while. Everything definitely seems slow, and at times, one may feel very lost. But I guess, after going through Asia Conference, we have been stretched. And when the pressure is let go, our capacity has been increased. We have learnt from our mistakes. We have learnt new and more efficient ways to achieve the same results. We have learnt to think under tremendous pressure and on our feet. Suffice it to say that Asia Conference has certainly been a learning experience, if not for all, as least for myself.

And it’s time to get ready for Christmas. Seems very low-key this year, but we have still got to make things happen. Not a lot of rehearsals and hopefully the drama will be technically simple, yet with a very rich story and substance. And I believe it’s going to be a great time.

Until the next time, cheers…. Þ

the otnaicus daily

Edition 281 – Post Asia Conference


It has been a very busy and hectic week. All the rushing of videos, last minute dumping out of videos, running around to make sure that crews are ready and last minute requests have ended. But it was all worth it. Asia Conference was definitely a success, even with the glitches here and there.

Personally, I’ve never ever run, or helped run a production of this scale. I thought Emerge was big, but what Pastor said was true. After Asia Conference, Emerge will look like chicken feet. But I took something away from the past week. Learning how to keep one’s cool under all the pressure is a must, as well as being able to think fast on your feet.

The crew has been fantastic as well. There were a few who were there practically everyday and from early hours as well, even though they were not on duty. My appreciation goes out to them. They are the faithful and will go the extra mile. That said, every single crew is appreciated and they have definitely contributed to the success of the Asia Conference.

Just received the rehearsal schedule for Christmas 2008. Just reading the email made me feel a bit tired. But it’s the last lap and I’m determined to finish this year well. 6 services for Christmas this year; 3 in Jurong West and 3 in Expo. Hope the drama is not a complex one.

Time to go get some sleep. Still trying to recover from the lack of during the past week. So until the next time, cheers… :Þ