the otnaicus daily

Edition 232 – Long Overdue Edition

And so I’m back in Taipei. And plenty of things happened since my last entry and this one. Well, okay.. Not that many things. Just a couple worth mentioning and I shall mention them in this entry.

The CHCTV Expo Christmas Drama Team 2007

First and foremost, here’s the picture (above) of the Christmas drama team that I promised. Long overdue. I want to post more but then the fact that I’m in Taipei and the photos are not with me prevents me from posting more. Anyhow, there’s the fantastic Expo Christmas drama team, the one that I’m very proud of…

 CHCTV Appreciation 2007

On to the next event. The TV Ministry had it’s appreciation on 2 January 2008 at Settler’s Cafe, Holland Village. It’s a different kind of appreciation that the ones we’re used to. This time round, we gather, short speech and then it’s free and easy till the end. Lots of noise made as Settler’s Cafe, for the uninitiated, is a place where one can sit down and play various board and card games. One of the noisier games played that night: Taboo!!! Not many pictures taken. Just that one group photo I have and that group is not the TV Ministry’s full strength. We had a simple lucky draw at the end. 3rd prize was a $30 Takashimaya voucher, 2nd was $50 and 1st was $80. The amazing thing: all won by Saturday team members. It was pretty unbelievable though. But important thing was that we all had fun fellowshipping and making plenty of noise.

And that weekend, I flew back to Taipei. Week 1 of 4 is almost over and I’m looking forward to flying back for CNY. Productive week, I must say. And the next two weeks is going to be challenging because my PM will be away for In-Camp Training, a.k.a reservist. Hope nothing major crops up.

FL and WX in Taipei for the weekend. So going to hang out with them a bit while they’re here. It’s such a blessings to have friends coming up to Taipei while I’m here. Get to hang with them. Makes the time I spend here that much more bearable.

Sheesh, I make it sound as if I’m dying here. But I really am praying and hoping that it’s really going to end soon. I want to be back in SG permanently for a while and not just one month. I miss home. I miss church. I miss Debbie. I’m missing my friends’ weddings. And this time round, I’m missing my anniversary with Debbie. Argh!!!!

Okay, I shall stop complaining. It’s getting late and I shall head off to bed. Until the next time in the near near future, cheers… :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Edition 230 – It’s Over!!

It’s over. 7 English services. 17 services in total. 5 good drama runs in Expo. One final show that is almost perfect. All in all, a very good drama production and excellent Christmas services. Tiring, but definitely fun and fulfilling. And I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

It has been a tiring week with late nights and early mornings. I shall leave this post short and sweet. We did take some pictures after the last service so I’ll post them up somewhere when I get them.

Before I sign off, a shout out to all the TV crew that helped out in the drama. They’re more affectionately known as the Drama Team. The best bunch of people. Sacrificed their time, leaves and sleep to help out. They even persevered through difficult situations that arose during the rehearsals and drama productions. You know who you are. Just want to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart. It was fun, and I hope we get to do it all over again. You guys ROCK!!!

A late Merry Christmas to all! Until the next time, cheers… :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Edition 229 – Christmas At Chang’s

That’s the title of this year’s Christmas production. Had the first full-day reherasal yesterday. Only managed two runs but I hope we’ve managed to plot the majority of the shots. Today will be a day of fine-tuning the shots and will be hearing a lot of “We’re doing this for TV”… But the drama looks simple enough from TV’s perspective. Hope they don’t ask for the world.

Yesterday, in between rehearsal runs and after dinner, JH managed to find a DVD that contained last year’s Christmas production, which was entitled The Kefira Show. Brought back a lot of memories. Also brought home the fact that one year has passed. One year… Gone just like that… And I wonder what I have done with that year. Time to sit down for a spot of reflection. But no matter what, thank God for being with me through the ups and downs of life.

Today’s rehearsal got pushed from 10am to 2pm. Thank God for the extra time to sleep in and recharge. But starting late equals to ending late. So definitely going to have a longer night today. But the drama team seems to be having fun and they come well prepared to last the long day. Armed with laptops, internet connection, snacks, drinks and plenty of fellowship, they’re ready to take on what the day can throw at them. Really proud of these guys who take time out from their schedule to help out with the production. They come and they tough it out, through the long waits and frequent shouts over the comms.

Gotta get ready to go out now. Long day ahead and want to have a proper lunch before I get to Expo. I don’t know how late dinner is going to be today. My guess is they would want to get in some proper runs before they end the day. So until the next time, cheers… :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Edition 228 – Christmas

Somehow, it doesn’t feel like Christmas this year again. But the fact is that Christmas is just around the corner. Next Tuesday to be exact. And I just don’t have that Christmas feeling. Busyness of work? Perhaps. I hope that feeling rolls around soon. Maybe it’s a choice to make to have that Christmas feeling. Oh well….

This year’s Christmas production is pretty good. Been through 2 rehearsals already and it’s shaping up to be pretty good. Getting a bit nervous though as I’d need to start directing come Thursday. It struck me that I haven’t directed a drama in ages. I pray that God will guide me and everything turns out well. I want to play my part to make this year’s production the best yet. It’s going to be a long Thursday and Friday as the drama team moves in to Expo. There’ll be lots of tech runs and full-dress runs and definitely a lot of waiting time in between. But like every drama, I’m looking forward to the fellowship and the fun the drama crew will have together.

Went for a jog yesterday night after ages of not jogging. Now my legs hurt. Well, not hurt until I can’t walk, but still I can feel the pain when I walk. But it was good. Felt very refreshed after that jog although I couldn’t jog as far or keep up my previous pace for obvious reasons. Going to try to get in some more sessions before I start flying to Taiwan again.

Going to head back to work now. Will update again when I have the chance. I will try to get a post in or two in between runs at Expo. It’s going to be like camping there. Haha… Until then, cheers… :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Edition 228 – Back In Singapore

Well, almost a week has passed by since I got back to Singapore. It has been a busy weekend and a pretty busy week here so far. But all is good. I’m enjoying life back here in Singapore. And I have more than one week to enjoy.

Work’s good and busy. Somehow, I feel that I’m more productive here in Singapore than in Taipei. So far, I’ve stayed back in the office late for two days. In Singapore, late means staying at least 7.30pm. And in Singapore, I start work earlier than in Taipei. So doesn’t that make me more productive? There are some work that can be more conveniently done over in Taipei as compared to here. But I’m not complaining. I’m just enjoying life in Singapore.

Christmas is rolling in pretty quickly. I had a rude awakening yesterday. Why rude? Because the late nights are going to start this Thursday. Late nights? Yup.. As usual, for the Christmas Drama production. Two rehearsals this week, two next week and we’re into the Christmas weekend. Is it going to be tiring? Definitely. But is it worth it? That’s for sure. I’m just thankful that I get to be back here in Singapore for Christmas and being able to serve and help out.

I guess that’s about it for now. Going to relax a bit, maybe read, before I retire for the night. Until the next time, cheers… :Þ