the otnaicus daily

Edition 299 – Asian Youth Games 2009

I’m fresh out of an external directing gig. By external, I mean not church related. Grateful for the opportunity to direct the Asian Youth Games (AYG) 2009 Opening Ceremony. Even though it was just for live projection within the venue, the experience is nevertheless an enriching one. I haven’t seen the live broadcast version yet, but I’ve been hearing that our version could have been better that the broadcast version.

Anyway, it couldn’t have been done without a wonderful crew. Their first time seeing the entire performance was on the night of the full preview. We were left with a lot of room for improvement. And improved they did. Felt the crew gave it their all during the actual show. Moments captured and cues were prepared way before the AD gave the cue. We were just one lean, mean and well oiled machine. And some of the crew even got airtime on national TV.

The experience also broadened my horizon in terms of working with people in the marketplace. I guess we really have to know their lingo, to know how they work, to be able to take all the crap (excuse the language), etc. and at the end of the day, not be too affected by it all. Learn the good stuff, forget the rest. And sometimes, keeping it simple is the key.

Tiring? Of course. Being holed up at the venue for 3-4 days watching rehearsals is no joke. But learn much? That’s for sure! And I would definitely jump at such a chance again. Kudos to the fantastic crew!

Until the next time, cheers… :Þ