the otnaicus daily

Good morning!! I’m making this a habit huh?? Updat…

Good morning!! I’m making this a habit huh?? Updating my blog in the wee hours of the morning.

Well, didn’t spend much time studying tonight. Was working on my attachment stuff. Selecting the companies turns out to be a much more troublesome matter that I thought it would be. The first few choices were easy cuz they’re pretty big companies with decent projects and job descriptions. The rest were like neither here nor there, and the locations were like super out of the way. Not that I mind that much but I’m gonna be travelling back and forth to those super-out-of-the-way locations for the next six months. I keep staring at the list I’ve made up and the list keeps on staring back at me. The list looks good but when I’m about to enter the companies I get cold feet. Think I’m gonna sleep on it for another night.

Also spent a little time sprucing up the page a bit. Now with added links and a little disclaimer at the bottom. Got counter also. Customizing this page is an on-going process. Look forward to more stuff here.

Gotta go… Cheerio!!!

the otnaicus daily

Good morning! It’s 4am. I’m just done studying and…

Good morning! It’s 4am. I’m just done studying and now watching downloaded episodes of Season 3 of Friends.

Had a good time just now chatting with a friend that I haven’t chatted with for a while. Did a bit of catching up while studying at the same time. I guess this is what us Computer Engineers call interleaving and multi-tasking. Not that I’m great at it but, well, we all should try.

Started another blog today at Kinda like deciding which one to stick to. If you’re interested, it’s at . Xanga’s a bit more interesting cuz can upload pictures and stuff. But I like Blogger cuz the feature set is more powerful than Xanga. Oh well, gonna treat this as an evaluation period.

That’s all for now. Gotta get back to Friends. Actually multi-tasking again, but then again, I’ve watched it over and over again.


the otnaicus daily

Well, I’m back after 7 days of absence. NTU exams …

Well, I’m back after 7 days of absence. NTU exams officially postponed by two weeks and I have mixed feelings about this. Good cuz it gives me more time to study and prepare for the exams. Bad cuz the plans my friends and I have made to visit Australia are a bit screwed. Everything needs to get re-arranged and plus there are a lot of activities coming up in June. Makes for a very tight holiday. But if I don’t go now, no more chance already. Next semester on Industrial Attachment so holidays are busted. And in my final year, my holidays are just as good as busted cuz of my Final Year Project.

Speaking of Industrial Attachment (I’m gonna call it IA from here on), the list of companies available was released on Monday, 7th April. Have a few companies that grabbed my attention. Two of my top choices were on areas of Computer Engineering that I like, namely Networking. Gonna try to go for that and pray for the best. Somewhat looking forward to it cuz of the income involved and plus, NO EXAMS!!!!

Time now is 1.02am, Wednesday morning. Time to hit the books again. Exams are such excruciating business. But, hey, we all have to go through it.


the otnaicus daily

Ladies and Gentlemen. Introducing the otnaicus dai…

Ladies and Gentlemen. Introducing the otnaicus daily. Unfortunately, it’s not gonna be as daily as it souds. Will try to post when I am able to.

Take care out there and God bless.
