the otnaicus daily

Oh no….. It seems like my mood has taken a turn …

Oh no….. It seems like my mood has taken a turn for the worse… Beginning to feel again like the 1st week of school, although not as bad… Yet… Hopefully won’t get worse than this… I’m missing somebody…. Sorely at that….

Enuff of me whining… The week is almost over and I sit here wondering what I have accomplished in this entire week… Best part is, I’m still thinking… Probably when I come back here and update my blog again next, I’ll still tell you that I’m still thinking… And then, before you and I know it, the new week would have begun… Seriously, it’s a viscious cycle… And the trick is?? Haha… To get out of the viscious cycle… How?? Erm, well, that’s for the world to know and for me to figure out… To the world: please please tell me how…. Hahaha….

Now back to my first problem…. How can I so get over this person?? Haiz….. Lord, please help me….

Cheerio…. ๐Ÿ™

the otnaicus daily

New Features!!!! ร‚ย  Hahaha!!! Just changed some o…

New Features!!!!


Hahaha!!! Just changed some of the stuff on me blog… Realised that the comments thingie wasn’t working any more so changed over to a new service provider… Then, the TagBoard, a seemingly must on blogs… Hahaha… Well, feel free to add comments to me blog and tag me… ๐Ÿ˜‰



the otnaicus daily

Take All of Me For All You’ve Done Hillsong Y…

Take All of Me

For All You’ve Done


You broke the night like the sun

And healed my heart with Your great love

Any trouble I couldn’t bear

You lifted me upon Your shoulders



Love that’s stronger

Love that covers sin

And takes the weight of the world



I love You

All of my hope is in You

Jesus Christ, take my life

Take all of me


You stand on mountaintops with me

With You I walk through the valley

You gave Your only Son for me

Your grace is all I rely on


repeat pre-chorus and chorus



I love You so

And I give up my life to say

I need You so

My everything



Thought I put up the lyrics of the song that has comforted me greatly for the past two weeks. It’s taken from Hillsong’s latest live praise and worship album, For All You’ve Done. It’s such a beautiful song and I cried the first time I heard it and read the lyrics. It just reminded me that God is always here with me, no matter what my circumstances are. And it just reminds me of the love that He has for each and every single one of us and how He will lead us through all the valleys in life. Indeed, as the pre-chorus says, His love is a strong one that covers all sins and takes whatever the world has to throw at us.


Simply beautiful, simply God…. ๐Ÿ˜‰



the otnaicus daily

Cell was fantastic today…. Arrived late cuz Meij…

Cell was fantastic today…. Arrived late cuz Meijin and I were browsing through the photos from FOC on my comp… But when I stepped into Tan Yong’s place, closed my eyes and started worshipping, I could instantly feel the presence of God wash all over me. After the agony last week plus the pressure on the FYP, I really needed His touch on my life again.. Felt super refreshed after the worship session, even though I was there for like 30 minutes of the worship… What can I say… I have a wonderful heavenly Father… ๐Ÿ˜‰


Testimony time over… Now on to my life… Haha…. My “wonderful” life…. Really, really enjoyed talking or gossiping or sharing each other’s life stories with Meijin the past two nights… No matter how pressured I felt the past two days, those “sessions” really made my day… Thanks hor, junior…. ๐Ÿ˜‰


My FYP supervisor starting to worry a little about my non-progress on my FYP.. Told him I’d pass him the code for my sorry little excuse of a program for him to take a look see… Hope he can advise me on a little part of the code which I have a problem getting it to work… I’m supposed to pass it to him by Saturday, but judging by my program for the weekend, kinda hard lor…. Hahaha…. Nonetheless, must try… Kekeke…


Weekend’s packed as usual.. Did I mention that Mike Connell will be around this weekend… The ministry is going to be an awesome time…. Sunday, might have to go help CEC cover event at Suntec… Oh yes, meeting later this evening… Sounds like I’m not gonna be able to get too much rest huh?? But well, what else is new?? Lord, help me through this weekend k??


Here’s wishing all my wonderful friends a wonderful weekend ahead…. Until we meet again….



the otnaicus daily

Hehe…. Skipped my first lecture of the semester …

Hehe…. Skipped my first lecture of the semester today…. Or rather yesterday, since this post is posted past midnight… BUT, I hope it’ll be the last one… Last semester liao, cannot play play… Must study hard and graduate…


That said, still got one big headache called FYP… Due 18 Sept, I realise I got around 1.5 months to get it complete and I’ve barely started. I have no idea what’s gonna happen and I’m beginning to panic a bit… Lord, help me, and show me a breakthrough in this area… Programming not really my strongest suite…


Today’s a day off for the entire campus cuz of the Student Union’s flag day… Not much of a difference to me cuz my Wednesdays are free anyway, kinda to compensate for my filled Saturdays, but then again, not the same lah huh?? Saturday is still Saturday…. Kekeke….


Cell has been shifted to Thursday… So a bit of free time tomorrow evening… Think I should be meeting up with Meijin, Steph and maybe some more pple for dinner.. We’ll see how that goes.. And prob a game of pool at Nanyang House is in the order for the afternoon, unless I fly aeroplane… Hahaha…..


This weekend’s gonna be intense. Pst. Mike Connell is in town and preaching for this weekend so gonna be seeing some exciting stuff in church. Pray and hope that the service crew is all ready to take the wonderful services we have this weekend. Gotta get prayed up for this weekend man…. ๐Ÿ˜‰


Going off to bed soon. Haven’t showered though, so I guess it’ll be another hour or so before I really hit the sack. Anyway, I bid a good night to all and wonderful dreams….



the otnaicus daily

And we have come to the end of the first day in sc…

And we have come to the end of the first day in school… Rather uneventful, a lot of time spent waiting for classes and all… The freshmen had an orientation talk conducted by the school so I was there with some of my committee members to help out. Managed to interact with some of the freshmen to give them tips and guidance on some stuff… Those that I’ve managed to interact with, they’re a pretty “on” bunch of people… Now, to see whether they will run for the committee… I wonder…………….


Well, tomorrow is day 2 of school… With only one lesson in the day… Unfortunately not in the morning though. Why unfortunate? Well, there’s a morning half day off tomorrow and my lesson just misses that half day off thingie… Wat to do?? Can’t complain much anyway… Onli got one lesson… Hahaha…


I’m off for now…. Guess I’ll be back soon to rant and rave again… Surprisingly, not much of raving today… Hahaha…. Cheers all.. And have a blessed day ahead… ๐Ÿ˜‰

the otnaicus daily

Well, well, well… It really has beenร‚ย a long whil…

Well, well, well… It really has been a long while since I have written here. But as of late, I have a lot of stuff to unload so I though I might wanna do it here….

A lot has been going on in my life, especially in the short time after the end of the NTU Computer Engineering/Materials Engineering combined freshmen orientation camp. I shan’t go into details here. On top of that, I am falling so badly behind schedule on my FYP that it’s going to kill me. I am so freaking frustrated right now I can’t even begin to think straight. Problem number 1, I can get over, hopefully soon. Problem number 2 is a slightly bigger problem. I’ll have to figure out something, soon.

At least, praying has helped a bit. Calmed me down some and my dear heavenly Father is a great person to unload on. Feeling the best since the end of the camp but no where near tip-top condition yet. Getting there I hope.

I don’t even think my dear readers can understand what I’m ranting about. Apologies, but my thoughts are not really running straight. Just needed an outlet to further unload my frustrations. Do pray for me if you’re a Christian and are reading this blog right now. Need all the prayers I can get.

Will be back pretty soon… Won’t be exactly a daily but I’ll try to keep this updated as much as I can. Till then, cheerio….

the otnaicus daily

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Just realised it has been almost…

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Just realised it has been almost two months since I last updated the page. Well, combination of laziness and busyness kept me away. Anyway, I hope I’m back and will be back often enough to keep you readers out there aprised of my life.

Anyway, if you guys and gals are still waiting for me to post some of the photos from my trip to Australia, wait some more…. I’ve got the photos, but never got around to scanning them in. You see, I’m one of those persons stuck back in the stone age when it comes to cameras. It’s gonna be a while before I get them up but when I do, you’ll be the first to know.

Work/attachment is fun, and at the same time, really boring… But I’m really looking forward to a flurry of testings soon as a new server comes online. So hopefully, won’t be that bored then. Right now, just catching up on my logbook, which will count towards my grade for IA… Besides the grades, the other motivation I have is that my NTU tutor is coming down to assess me next week…. Hehehehe….. :รƒลพ

Anyway, that’s the end of my inaugral post since July 25th. Stay tuned for more…

the otnaicus daily

Well well… 3 weeks since I posted here on this p…

Well well… 3 weeks since I posted here on this page. Latest update…. Started my Industrial Attachment at StarHub just this Monday. In case some of you don’t know, Industrial Attachment, or IA, is a programme that all Engineering students at NTU have to go through at the 3rd year of study. And StarHub is a mobile network operator in Singapore. So far so good but boring cuz I can’t start my work proper until the people here can give me certain access permissions to certain servers. Oh well…. One week down, twenty-three to go….. At least I won’t have exams to worry about for this semester.

Nothing much to update really. Just wanted to post something to kill boredom and also to let you know that I’m still alive and kicking. If you’re waiting for photos from my Australia trip, I’ll post them up as soon as I get the time to scan them in and upload them. I’m also waiting for the ones taken using a digital camera. Oh well….. Slowly wait hor…..

That’s all for now, before my supervisor kills me for doing something else besides work…. As if I got work in the first place…. hahaha…..

the otnaicus daily

Hello World!!!!! Just dropping a line to let yo…

Hello World!!!!!

Just dropping a line to let you all know that I’m still alive and kicking. Just that didn’t get much of a chance to update this blog ever since I came back from Australia which is like almost a month ago now. Then a week later, I came back to Penang, Malaysia to visit my parents. And in the week between coming back from Australia and leaving for Penang, was busy serving back in church at the Youth Conference. Tiring and long week, but I sure enjoyed it to the max. The conference was such a powerful event. Sometimes wish I was attending rather than serving that week.

By the way, I’m still in Penang at the moment. Going back tomorrow evening by bus so will arrive back in Singapore on Saturday morning. Then it’s off to church to serve. It feels great to be going back to Singapore, church and serving but at the same time, I’m gonna miss Penang, my parents and the food here. Not to mention the air-conditioned room that I sleep in while I’m here. But I guess that’s all part of living away from my parents. I’m sure I’ll get adjusted back to life in Singapore in a few days but will definitely miss my parents and the air-condition dearly for a while.

That’s all for now. I’ll try to post some pics that I took when I was in Australia. All in all, we had 3 film cameras and a digital one. But the pictures we took are pretty similar cuz, well, we went to the same place now, didn’t we…..
