the otnaicus daily

Okay okay….. I went a bit overboard yesterday, r…

Okay okay….. I went a bit overboard yesterday, ranting like that on my blog…. But then again, I was really really frustrated yesterday night.. Don’t know what got into me, but well… Thanks to my dear friend, Eugene… He calmed me down lots and told me things that made lots of sense… I guess there’s no point over reacting… Haha… Anyway, thanks lots dude…. πŸ™‚

Wow… After two weeks of no cell group, today’s was good and fun… And guess what?? I got a chance to play the guitar for cell, although for a short part when Pastor went around ministering.. But hey, I thank God for a the chance.. It felt good, but at the same time I was a bit nervous cuz I was scared that I wouldn’t flow and stuff… But God is good, and all worked out fine.. Haha…. And tonight, we had overnight prayer meeting… Stayed only for the first session, but had fun directing.. Haha… Yeah… Wasn’t praying but directing…. But then, one could sense the presence of God all around the place…. πŸ™‚

My FYP program has taken another step towards working today… Funny thing is that I could step through the entire program without any problems, but when I get it to run, it’ll crash… Still can’t identify where the problem is, will look into it further tomorrow….

Tomorrow, I’m finally stepping down as a member of the 4th Management Committee… Yup, the AGM’s tomorrow and it’s all gonna be over…. As I said, both sad and happy at the same time… Haha… More on that tomorrow lah, or whenever I post my next entry… Haha….

Hehehe… Tonight, got cheers…… πŸ™‚

the otnaicus daily

Another day over… And another painful and stress…

Another day over… And another painful and stressing day…. That nice little battle still rages on within me and the only respite I get from that is when I’m out from my room enjoying time with my friends… How I need to get over this and get my mind focused back on what I’m supposed to be focusing on… Believe, I am trying, but everyday is another uphill battle that…. I dunno what I want to do also… But all I know is that I wanna get OUT OF THIS LITTLE THING THAT I HAVE FOR A PARTICULAR SOMEBODY!!!!!!!

Okay fine… Now you know what battle I am fighting…..

Oh my goodness…. I am just that super frustrated…. Right at this moment, I feel like throwing things around, shout till the neighbours complain to the police and just cry…. But I just can’t bring myself to do that… Somehow I just know that doing those things ain’t gonna help much… Haiz…. Even words fail me at this point in time… What can I say??? What can I say????

Time for bed though… That’s the other respite that I can get from all this… Lessons tomorrow morning…. Good night to one and all….

Unfortunately, no cheers tonight………………………………………….

the otnaicus daily

I have this funny feeling that this semester is ru…

I have this funny feeling that this semester is running away from me…. I mean, as if I am totally losing control of the situation here… This stupid sinking feeling just hit me this morning as I woke up and then again while spending an hour in the lecture theatre. Everything is just happening too fast.. I feel like I’ve lost the ability to keep up with anything at all…..

Lord, hear my prayers….. But then again, I shall claim the promise in Psalm 23:4…

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”

Lord… Hear my prayers…..

the otnaicus daily

Haiz… Study rooms… Depressing, yet it seems to…

Haiz… Study rooms… Depressing, yet it seems to be the only place that I can do work in. Of course, after some warm up time… Haha… That’s me…

Totally missed my morning classes this morning… Thought I might have recovered from the severe lack of sleep over the past weekend but apparently not so… So I ended up only attending one lecture today and then again it was a total waste of time cuz didn’t really understand the lecturer.

Been down in the dumps again, ever since Sunday night. I wonder why? I have a feeling I’m fighting the same internal battle all over again when I thought I’ve won the victory. As they say, I may have won the battle, but not the war… Lord, help me… I’m super tired of all this already. And I just wanna concentrate on my final semester, FYP and all… Will I ever win this war??

Haiz… Let me get back to my work and try to put this all aside… Until next time….


PS: My first post to my blog via my spanking new notebook…. πŸ˜‰

the otnaicus daily

An ultra long Sunday. But what can I say?? The day…

An ultra long Sunday. But what can I say?? The day simply rocked!! 3 services with Hillsong United, directed for Chinese Church (a last minute thingie) and then did Cam6 for Dudu Fisher’s Concert… As I said, the day simply ROCKED!!!! But as usual, I’m pretty much dead now… Haha…

Dudu Fisher’s concert was simply phenomenal… His voice, simply beautiful and powerful… He sang my favourite song from Les Miserable, Bring Him Home. I hope there’s another production of Les Mis coming to Singapore soon. Miss that show real bad. But on top of it all, I thank God for the chance to be on camera for the event. Was supposed to help out either on iris or cable but ended up on camera. It was super fun… Nervous at first cuz there wasn’t any rehearsals and stuff beforehand, but God just supplied all the shots that I needed. Fun lah… Fun….

A new week ahead… 5 days to CEC’s AGM… 5 days to ORD!!!!! Hahaha….

That’s all for now folks… Cheers….

the otnaicus daily

Haiz… Slack again when it comes to blogging… B…

Haiz… Slack again when it comes to blogging… But I think this time round I have a super good explanation… It’s called elections week. Also known as video editing week, or rather, video editing day. Haha….

Firstly, CEC elections… A surpringsing number of people actually came down to vote, considering that it was held on Union Day and there were no lessons from 10am to 2pm. Then after that, count votes until like crazy. Counted 400 plus votes in six hours. Super slow leh. Got a really nice sore throat after that as well cuz I had to read out the names of people who got votes from the ballot slip. Well, at least it’s now over. Results wise, well, what can I say. As usual, for some portfolios are pretty disappointing. But, I think the 5th Management Committee will survive to see another day.

Then came the video editing. It was for the SCE Dinner and Dance. And smart ol’ me put it off till the very last minute. And when I say the very last minute, I mean the very last minute. So last minute that I almost didn’t sleep on Thursday night/Friday morning. So, after vote counting, came back to edit the video which is due in under 12 hours. Skipped a couple of lessons, missed a meeting with Wendy Gwee of SAO, which I was supposed to go with Shiyan (so sorry about that, by the way). But at least, the video came out. Not my best work, I admit. But I guess the final part of the video made up for it. If you got access to my computer, I’ll be sharing it soon.

And so, after the 2004 SCE Dinner and Dance, and a night at Concorde Hotel, I’m back in my room typing this blog. A pretty wonderful D&D all in all, but a pretty big foul up occurred at the end of the event when the results of the pageant and manhunt were announced. Haha… They almost gave the winner’s tiara to the runner-up… Super embarassing moment there for the winner, runner-up and the MC. But all is well, everybody had fun.

So, another 7 days before the 4th Management Committee officially steps down. The 5th Committee is already up. And somehow, I feel a tinge of sadness even though I’m finally stepping down for good. I guess it has been all those years of hard work (5 to be exact) put in to build the reputation of CEC together with the rest of the people I have worked with. Hard work, tears, sweat and blood… But it was all fun, to be able to serve the student population. To all my dear friends whom I’ve worked with, a very BIG THANK YOU for all the fun times we shared and also the not-so-fun ones. I’m going to truly miss being in the Committee but I guess, at one time or another, the baton has to be passed on. All the best to the 5th Management Committee and the future committees to come.

Oh well.. I guess that’s all for now.. Wanna go take a nap to recover from all the lost sleep.. Will be back soon…

Cheers… :ΓƒΕΎ

the otnaicus daily

Hahaha…. If it wasn’t my dear friend Eugene scre…

Hahaha…. If it wasn’t my dear friend Eugene screaming at me to update my blog, I would have forgotten all about it… Not that I wanna forget about updating my blog but the past week has been, well, to put it mildly, hell-ish… Anyway, one song made life easier this week and I thought I’d share it with my beloved readers…. πŸ™‚

Take Me Deeper

There is a longing

Only You can fill

A raging tempest

Only You can still

My soul is thirsty Lord

To know you as I’m known

Drink from the river

That flows before Your throne


Take me deeper

Deeper in love with You

Jesus hold me close in Your embrace

Take me deeper

Deeper than I’ve ever been before

I just want to love You more and more

How I long to be deeper in love

Sunrise to sunrise

I will seek Your face

Drawn by the spirit

To the promise of Your grace

My heart has found in You

A hope that will abide

Here in Your presence

Forever satisfied

Repeat chorus

Yeah… Beautiful song right?? Haven’t heard or sung it in ages till this past Tuesday… Just brought a flood of peace and comfort to me… What can I say?? Simply beautiful, simply God… πŸ™‚

Another super shiong weekend for me. Got a video for my DND to edit, in church for most of the services cuz it’s CHC’s 15th Anniversary!!! Happy Birthday CHC!!! Hahaha…. Think the super lack of sleep is driving me crappy… But it has been good fun… Was on camera for all the 3 services today and it felt good. Has been a while since I touched a camera for a large scale event. Hope I get a chance for Dudu Fisher’s concert next Sunday. He’s gonna be bringing the house down…

And another gripe with Blogger!!! What’s wrong man?? All my fonts are not standardized. Some Times New Roman, some Trebuchet, when I already explicitly said in the template to use Trebuchet. As Meijin would say, so “dot dot dot”… Haha…

And… YAY!!! I’m getting my notebook soon.. At least, I’m going to sign the loan agreement this coming Wednesday… Hopefully, I can walk out of the shop with the notebook and don’t have to wait another week for it, which would be a major bummer…

Wow… Just verbal vomitted my week’s rants and raves and comments.. Haha… I better go off to work on my video liao.. The DND chair is chasing me for it oredi… Haha…

Until next time… Cheers….

the otnaicus daily

Hahaha…. Blogspot screwed up my old template… …

Hahaha…. Blogspot screwed up my old template… Deleted half the HTML code from my template… Mental note: next time back up the template HTML file…. Haiz.

So now, bo pian have to rebuild the site using a new template. Still customizing it, so don’t mind the raw look. The TagBoard and comments features shall be up soon, hopefully tonight… Be patient k??


the otnaicus daily

Heaven Knows Rick Price She’s always on mind …

Heaven Knows

Rick Price

She’s always on mind

From the time I wake up

Till I close my eyes

She’s everywhere I go

She’s all I know

And though she’s so far away

It just keeps getting stronger everyday

And even now she’s gone

I’m still holding on


So tell me where do I start

Cuz it’s breaking my heart

Don’t wanna let her go


Maybe my love will come back someday

Only heaven knows

And maybe our hearts will find their way

Only heaven knows

And all I can do is hope and pray

Cuz heaven knows

My friends keep telling me

That if you really love her

You’ve gotta set her free

And if she returns in kind

I’ll know she’s mine

repeat pre-chorus and chorus


Why I live in despair

Cuz wide awake or dreaming

I know she’s never there

And all this time I act so brave

I’m shaking inside

Why does it hurt me so

Repeat chorus

Sums up pretty much everything…… πŸ™‚


the otnaicus daily

Hiak hiak… I am on a bit of a high now actually….

Hiak hiak… I am on a bit of a high now actually… Just managed to set up an Apache web server, complete with PHP support… And setup up the a gallery application for online viewing of photos… Took me like 3 hours but it was very very fun… Oh yes, had to set up a mySQL server as well.. Never did I have to read so much documentation just to get 4 separate pieces of applications to work well together… But as I said, it was very very fun…

The weekend is once again here… Have a dinner and dance tonight; going for Hall 13’s. Surprisingly, for those of you who know me, I don’t even stay in Hall 13… But then my friend’s in the D&D committee lah, so decided to go lend my support… Hope it’s a good one… Haha….

Won’t be in church much this weekend, except for the service I have to attend, which I’m really looking forward to. Then of course, Taros BBQ!!! The pits are now sitting in my room awaiting to be used… Hope it’ll be a super fun night of catching up and eating…

Monday’s a holiday.. It’s Singapore’s National Day… Happy Birthday Singapore!!! Hahaha…. It’s that time of the night when I become super crappy… But the Monday will bring me an opportunity to shoot fireworks for the first time. Hope my pictures turn out well… But nevertheless, I guess the experience is well worth it…

Well, for those of you still wondering whether I’m feeling much better after that post from yesterday, yes I am…. Don’t worry too much k? And thanks to those who MSNed me asking me whether I alright… Meant a lot to me guys…. Thanks…. πŸ˜‰

That’s all for the night…. Cheerio….. πŸ™‚