the otnaicus daily

Had a very enjoyable evening… Dinner, TV session…

Had a very enjoyable evening… Dinner, TV session, walk, everything…. Enough said… Cheers…. πŸ™‚

the otnaicus daily

Oh my… Been in my FYP lab since 1.30pm and it’s …

Oh my… Been in my FYP lab since 1.30pm and it’s now 5.35pm as I’m typing up this post. That’s 4 hours of my life down the drain, or rather, gone to help me graduate. Haha. Deadline is on the coming Monday, so have to buck up a bit. Most probably I’m gonna hole myself up in the lab this whole week. And on top of this, still got 2 more assignments that I have to complete. Going slightly bonkers, but thank God that He’s always here with me to guide me and to give me the strength to persevere.

At least I got a chapter of my report done. That makes it 2.5 chapters down, another 1.5 to go. Half a chapter?? Yeah, the security of OMAC is driving me up the wall. I don’t know how to paraphrase the thing from my research material and dumping it into my report. Hope I’ll be able to meet my supervisor within this two days. Have to sort this out with him.

Think I’m gonna leave this place soon. No more mood to do anything besides doing nothing. Sleepy and the right side of my body is aching. Kinda like a backache but this one is on the right hand side, near the kidney area. Hopefully it’s just me having strained some muscles and not anything else. Getting me a bit worried actually. Got it a few days ago, went away and yesterday evening when in church, it came back. I wonder what’s the cause. Pain until I can’t sleep on my side at night leh. Now then, do muscle aches prevent you from sleeping on your side? Hmmz… That’s what’s getting me worried….

Haiz… I’m even falling asleep as I type this out… This place is conducive for doing work but at the same time, give me a mattress and I’ll be out like a light. Haha… Anyway, gotta go pack up already. Need to go to Popular to get some stuff before heading back.

Until the next post…. Cheers…. :ΓƒΕΎ

the otnaicus daily

Unto You Taken from Reflector Planet Shakers …

Unto You

Taken from Reflector

Planet Shakers

I live for You

All of my days belong to You

You draw me to Your tenderness

You made me new


Into the secret place I will run

Where my heart can be free

In the grace that I’m found


Unto You

Be all glory and praise

How my heart seeks Your face

As I’m waiting on You

Only You

Are my strength and my tower

Fill my life with Your power

As I stand here in awe of You

I stand here in awe of You


I stand here in awe of You

I stand here in awe of You

I stand here in awe of You

I stand here in awe of You

the otnaicus daily

Yeah… I know… I haven’t been updating… Just …

Yeah… I know… I haven’t been updating… Just that things have been a bit crazy around here… FYP, Children’s Church big day, assignments, exams… Yes… EXAMS!!!!! Oh my goodness… A friend actually started counting down.. And counting down via the means of her MSN nick… Great… More stress….

Have been a bit stressed lately, with the state of my TV ministry crew. I have no idea what is happening but it seems like I’ve not been able to run my service with just my crew. I sometimes just sit down and wonder why. Am I going through a rough patch, stagnating and stuff? “What can I do?” is a question that I frequently ask Him. I just pray for a breakthrough in this area.

MJ just had a successful Investiture tonight. Or rather, yesterday night. I’m glad for her. I was there sitting right in front of all the action, and when I glanced at her now and then, she looked as if she’s gonna explode soon. Haha… But at least, this “burden” is now off her.. Haha… Congrats girl… For a job well done… πŸ™‚

Another long and tiring weekend ahead. Gonna be in church for the whole weekend again. I’m thinking about scaling back a little, since I need to rush out my FYP report and, as I mentioned earlier, the exams are coming. Yeah, so will see how I can scale back. At the very least, I’ll have to see the Children’s Church big day through first…

Zzzz time… Nitey nitez and sweetest dreams… Cheers… πŸ™‚

the otnaicus daily

Well… Guess I have failed as a watchman this tim…

Well… Guess I have failed as a watchman this time round. For those of you wondering what I’m talking about, refer to my last post. Anyway, I won’t brood too much about it. Yes, I’m sad and yes, I feel that I’ve failed, but at some point in time, I have to pick myself up and move on. God has taught me a lesson, and I have learnt. I pray that I’ll just move on and strive to be a better watchman.

First day of school. What can I say? Overslept, missed my first class for the day. Went for the next set of lectures which featured, yup, Principles of Information Theory and Coding. At least, I’m understanding the second part of the lectures, which is on coding. More practical and less background theory. And that, I’m better at. Haha. Short day today, shorter day tomorrow.

Finally, finally, finally… Sorted out my notes and tutorials into nice and neat stacks. Threw away a lot of the stuff I used the previous semester, but of course, I saved the best bits in case my juniors want them. So now, the top shelf of my shelving unit looks so much tidier. Haha.. My room?? Tidy?? I DID mention that it’s just the top shelf of the unit. Hahaha….

Still wondering why my switch won’t work with my network point. Have set one of the LAN cards connected to the switch to manual IP configuration. Let see what that does. Of course, after this post. Praying and hoping it works cuz I’m getting frustrated with not being able to connect to the Net with my two systems at one go.

Anyway, that’s all for now… Going to bed soon… Tiring day… Think my muscles are gonna kill me tomorrow cuz of the gym work I’ve done today.. Haha… Anyway, nitez and sweetest of dreams to all… Cheers…. πŸ™‚
the otnaicus daily

Ezekiel 33:1-9 (The Watchman and His Message)1 Aga…

Ezekiel 33:1-9 (The Watchman and His Message)
1 Again the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 2 “Son of man, speak to the children of your people, and say to them: ‘When I bring the sword upon a land, and the people of the land take a man from their territory and make him their watchman, 3 when he sees the sword coming upon the land, if he blows the trumpet and warns the people, 4 then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be on his own head. 5 He heard the sound of the trumpet, but did not take warning; his blood shall be upon himself. But he who takes warning will save his life. 6 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.’ 7 “So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me. 8 When I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you shall surely die!’ and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. 9 Nevertheless if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul.

Ezekiel 34:1-6 (Irresponsible Shepherds)
1 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 2 “Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy and say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord God to the shepherds: “Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flocks? 3 You eat the fat and clothe yourselves with the wool; you slaughter the fatlings, but you do not feed the flock. 4 The weak you have not strengthened, nor have you healed those who were sick, nor bound up the broken, nor brought back what was driven away, nor sought what was lost; but with force and cruelty you have ruled them. 5 So they were scattered because there was no shepherd; and they became food for all the beasts of the field when they were scattered. 6 My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and on every high hill; yes, My flock was scattered over the whole face of the earth, and no one was seeking or searching for them.”

Interesting verses huh? Yeah, I thought exactly the same too. Bro. Adrian shared this with the TV Cell after cell group on Thursday. Right there and then, I felt in my spirit, “Something is gonna happen. Better go call up this particular crew member of yours and settle it.” And yup, something definitely did happen. One of my ex-cell members told me the entire story today about this crew member and in my spirit, my mouth dropped. I shan’t go into details about what’s going on cuz I wanna respect the privacy of the persons involved. But as I was showering earlier, this thing got me thinking again, am I an irresponsible watchman who doesn’t warn his people about the dangers that are coming. Am I really an irresponsible shepherd that does not strengthen the weak, heal those who are sick and bound up the broken? How much of a leader am I? Do I really just want to, week in and week out, bring my crew together to produce one superb and wonderful production for Service 2, and then leave them to their own doings? This isn’t the way that things should be working.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that as leaders, God put us in a very unique position. No doubt each leader has his/her own strengths and weaknesses, but the fact that we have been put where we are signifies that we have God blessings to carry out our responsibilities. Putting our trust and faith in Him is a must in these shoes, and of course, seeking the Holy Spirit for the guidance must not be left out. And as leaders, naturally, there’ll be a flock under us and essentially, we act as watchmen and shepherds. In a way, their lives are in our hands. We can choose to influence them in a good manner; to grow their character to greater heights, train them, rebuke them, whatever it takes, to make them become a better person. Or we can choose to, as I said earlier, just leave them to their own doings.

Well, the second type of leader is definitely not what I aspire to be and I feel that God is telling me, “Till today, you’ve basically been the second type.” It really struck me good and hard today. What did I do when there was a broken to be bound? Nothing? I don’t know. But what I know is that from today onwards, leading is not something to be taken lightly, and it was never meant to be taken lightly, ever. What can I do? The past is past. I guess I’ll just have to take this as a lesson learnt, and take the next step of faith, trusting God that yes, I can become a better leader through His mercy and grace, which abounds so plentifully.

I don’t know whether what I found out today can still be “corrected” or not. But what ever the outcome, I know that God can use this for the better.

Father, grant me the wisdom to be able to lead better. It’s a position that you’ve put me into, and a position that I’ve desired for ever since I stepped into the TV Ministry. You’ve brought me here for a purpose, and I want to fulfill that purpose you have for me. I want to run the race with all of my heart. I want to be able to play a part in the Ministry, to bring it to greater heights. And I want to be able to be such a good influence to my crew that they’ll also share in the vision that the Ministry has. Help me, Father, with each and every single step I take. This is my cry, Lord. Amen…….
the otnaicus daily

Hehehehe… Had myself plenty of fun today, or rat…

Hehehehe… Had myself plenty of fun today, or rather, yesterday, since now it’s Saturday. Went to grab a pretty late dinner with a bunch of my friends at NYDC. Late as in we only got into NYDC at 10pm and started eating only at 10.30pm.. That’s late right?? Hehe… Before that, went to play table-tennis but all that went to waste since we had the big dinner at NYDC… Hahaha…. Then after that, we went for a few games of bowling.. It just feels so good relaxing with friends and having fun at the same time…

Well, aside from the fun, tried hard to finish up as much as I can for my FYP report which is due today. About 50% done, but the most difficult part now is to transfer my research material on the security on this particular encryption scheme.. Too much of those funny notation and not enough simple, plain English… Guess I’ll just send this in first and see what my supervisor says.. Of course, in the mean time, I’ll work to complete the report. Stressed still?? Yup… πŸ™‚

A long weekend ahead. Tomorrow directing for Children’s Church and Service 2. Then doing Cam 3 for Service 3. SD for Service 4. Cam 3 for Service 5. Meeting regarding Children’s Church Big Day on Sunday at 6pm. Think I’m gonna be so tired out after this weekend. God help me through this…. And I know He will…

I guess that’s all for now.. Oh yes, need to thank God that my friend’s mom’s operation went smoothly. Just praying now for a quick recovery… Yup, that’s all… Time for bed… Hahaha…. Cheers…. πŸ˜‰

the otnaicus daily

Still stressed… FYP report is still in the works…

Still stressed… FYP report is still in the works and I’m suffering from severe writer’s block… I can’t seem to paraphrase my research material effectively so that I can put it into my report.. Today was a pretty wasted day lah, so tomorrow I’ll try to get my butt out of my room to try to get more work done. At least, away from my room, I won’t be that distracted.

Cell today was good. The preaching touched my heart on a lot of things. Things like worshipping Him in all I do and seeking Him in my secret place. I really feel that I don’t do enough of that, but then again, what is enough when it comes to God. We should never feel satisfied with where we are with God. And I know that lately, I’ve been kinda slacking a lot on that department. Time to buck up, seek God more and seek His presence. I really want encounter with Him once again, and hopefully on a more regular basis and not once in a very very blue moon kind.

A friend’s mother is going in for an operation tomorrow. Sigh… Just want to let the person know that my prayers are with them…

Well, time for me to go take a quick shower and then go to bed… Update again soon… Cheers… πŸ™‚

the otnaicus daily

Stressed out to the max… That’s what I am at thi…

Stressed out to the max… That’s what I am at this point in time. Started out on my FYP report. Having problems determining what should go where. I have an outline, which I’m going to show to my supervisor tomorrow. Hope he’ll be in. And hopefully, we can work out a bit better what should go where.

Most probably I’ll be spending the whole day in school tomorrow. Maybe get holed up somewhere in the library and sit down and guai guai do my report. That means lugging a whole lot of material to school but at least, I’ll be able to get some work done. Must seriously start motivating myself already. One and a half months to exams and freedom from exams. Hahaha….

RadioBlog giving me problems. Actually, dunno whether it’s RadioBlog or the site that I’m hosting it on. So until I resolve that, it’ll be back to the good ol’ embedding of the Windows Media Player. Song is still the same, haven’t had time to compress a new one yet. But it should be soon.

Anyway, off to bed… Looking to a early start tomorrow. Breakfast, and then off to the library or somewhere to sit and work on my stuff… Good night, sweet dreams and cheers…. πŸ™‚

the otnaicus daily

Sigh… Feeling low today.. Don’t know why… The …

Sigh… Feeling low today.. Don’t know why… The day started off quite well actually but right now, as I’m sitting in front of my computer, I’m just feeling down… Don’t know why, just down…

Well, guess most of you should have seen that RadioBlog thingie on my right hand sidebar.. Cool thing that allows playlists and lets you select what music you wanna listen to. I know, only got one song now, but am slowly gonna expand the list lah, so just hang in there for a bit… πŸ™‚

So, I’m gonna shoot off now. Short entry, I know, but I just wanna get the fact that I’m feeling down off my chest… Not that it totally helped, cuz I am still down… So then, no cheers tonight again…..