the otnaicus daily

Life in NTU is Officially Over

Yes it is. I’ve gotten my results on Wednesday afternoon actually. My honours classification: Pass with Merit. Not that I expected anything more than that but I just thank God for letting me clear all my modules, including my FYP. So now, I’ve been officially sent off into a new chapter of my life that I’m just beginning to grasp. It’s a weird feeling.

And I’m either super confused or super spoilt for choice right now. Accomodation for life after NTU. 3 choices: staying with a China guy who has rented the whole place down, staying at Justin’s place while looking for a better place, or waiting for Raymond to find a place while staying at Justin’s place. I am so very “luan” right now. Dunno what to do. Feeling a tad afraid, yes I am. And I’m not afraid to confess that. It’s like walking into a place that is super dark and you just don’t know what’s ahead of you. God, please help me make the right decisions….

Had a fun time cooking with my friends just now for a mini pre-Christmas celebrations. Cooked from 4pm all the way to about 8.30pm. Then we all sat down and ate and basically had a good time. Plus a gift exchange. Here’s a tip for you guys planning a pot luck: do not tell the person that you’re expecting X amount of people. You’ll end up with X amount of people bringing enough food each to feed X amount of persons. That works out to be enough food to feed X-squared amount of people. Yeah, we end up throwing away quite a bit. Haha… But it was fun. I was kinda reminiscing about the times I had with my friends in NTU and how it could be the last time that I sit there and enjoy such a session. Move on Sucianto……

Well, time to get some sleep. Long day ahead. And I need to wake up a bit early to get a phone call in to my dad. So I bid a sweet good night to all. Cheers… :Þ

the otnaicus daily

The Heat Is On…

The heat is really on. Just realised that I’ve got 2 weeks to the end of this month. So need to really look for a place to stay liaoz. God, please help me…..

I was browsing through job listings at HP today. Yes, HP as in Hewlett-Packard. Found a pretty interesting job and they’ll consider fresh grads for that job. Gonna be submitting an application for that job. Hope that at least I can get an interview, and God willing, I’ll get that job.

My sister graduated today. My congratulations goes out to her. 1st Class Honours leh. So proud of her.

Another of my friend’s relatives passed away over the past weekend. My condolences goes out to him. It’s weird. Having hit the age that I am now at, I’m beginning to attend lots of weddings and wakes. Is this part and parcel of life? Not that I mind but I just find it interesting lah. A nice point to ponder on… Hahahaha….

Oh well, that’s all for now… Sucianto signing off…. Cheers… :Þ

the otnaicus daily

An Interesting Revelation…

Just read a friend’s blog and realised that sometimes, friendship can be a very fleeting thing. One moment you have them in you life, the next this “batch” of friends has moved on and a new “batch” has come into your life. Even now, I wonder how many of those friends actually remain true to you. I’ve had friends that were once very close to me and now, well, whether it’s my fault or not, we are not in contact anymore.

Through all this, I guess one fact remains. Friendships and relationships need constant work. Work? Yeah… Work… The effort put in to know the friend very well, the effort put in to keep in contact even though we don’t meet every other day, the effort put in to find out what’s going on in each other’s lives, the effort put in to be there when you friend needs you…. You get my point. But aren’t we at some point guilty of being lazy, of not putting in enough effort to be a friend.

Hard work? Yes. Worth it? Absolutely. I’m determined to keep this clique of friends that I have right now, the relationships that have been built while I am in University. I pray to God that He’ll enlarge my capacity to be able to love these friends of mine and no matter how busy my schedule can get, to find time to spend with them.

But always remember one thing. God is our constant, true and faithful friend. Cheers… 🙂

the otnaicus daily


It’s the wee hours of a Tuesday morning. Another weekend has gone by. I have just come to a sad but true realisation again; that time flies and it flies fast.

Remember in my last post I said that I was gonna be in church the whole day on Sunday? Heh heh… Well, spent about 14 hours in total there. Believe me, it’s tiring and trying. But as I always say, serving God is a such a joy and pleasure.

Had fun shooting those people who graduated with a Certificate in Christian Foundation for Service 4 and 6. Fun, but not easy. Try this: mount a Nikon 70mm-200mm f/2.8 VR lens on your SLR or DSLR body, aim at a subject and set your lens at a focal length of about 100mm, hold it there and shoot approximately 150 shots in a row. Yup, by the 30th shot, your arms will be burning and if you only use one eye to look through the viewfinder, you’ll find that your eyelid will refuse to close anymore. But it was a heck of an experience. You’re tyring to hold the same composition for shot after shot and you have to do slight recomposition and focusing within a time span or 3 seconds between shots. Some training on endurance photography. Ha ha.

After all that, I directed for the Chinese Service. Pst. Chang was a very funny and good speaker. He gave a good explanation why elderly people hunch forward when walking or crossing the road. You see, elderly people also has a sense of urgency when getting from place to place and that sense of urgency comes from the head. But unfortunately, their legs can’t move as fast. As such, you have that hunching forward. Get it? If you don’t, nevermind. But the point is he brings practical messages across. I would love to be able to sit and listen to him when I’m not on duty. Hee…

After the Chinese Church Service, it’s a quick dinner and transition into the main SOT graduation. Was on the crane for that. Pretty standard service. After that go makan and our dear friend, cell group member and fellow ministry member treated us to a sumptious meal of chilli crab. That was some supper… Hahaha…. Thanks again Chin Kiat…

Man, that was a super tiring Sunday. But as I said, it was fun.

Gotta go to bed now. Will update again soon. In case you haven’t noticed, my blog has a RSS feed now. So if you’re interested, the link is on the right. If you wanna know how to do it, call, sms, email, tag me. Until the next time, cheers… :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Busy week….

Sigh… A long week just passed, and a long day coming up ahead. Gonna be in church the whole day again to cover the Certificate of Christian Foundation graduations in each of Sunday’s service and then to cover the main SOT graduation in the evening. In between that, I’ll be directing for the Chinese Church service. Yeah, so most probably when I get back tomorrow evening, I’d be half dead. But hey, serving the Lord is the highest privilege for me. As long as I can continue to serve Him, I’d do it with great pleasure.

Found out on Friday that a friend of mine from the TV ministry is looking to share a rented flat. So most probably I’ll be moving in with him. Now to rope Daniel in… Hehehehehe…. We’ll see how that one works out, but I really pray that we can come to some agreement so that we can get this moving quick. Hee.

A little update on the job hunt. Well, nothing much yet. Not too easy cuz a lot of the jobs on the market are looking for people with some form of experience, which I don’t have. But I’m trusting in the Lord that He’ll show me one soon enough, and I can start working and stop depending on my parents.

Was sitting in service today and Pastor Kong was preaching on how Jesus was like. One particular point in this 4-point sermon hit me and it is “Be like Jesus in His attitude”. The four sub-points to that point hit me even more:

a. A willing heart releases ability

b. A willing heart releases energy

c. A willing heart releases strategy

d. A willing heart releases blessings

I was just thinking back to the past week of happenings, aka my discussion with my dad about going on to serve full time. I guess what my dad said was right. I was kinda afraid of facing the reality of life having been pretty much turned off after 5.5 years of computer engineering. Think God has always impressed in my heart that even though I wanna serve Him full time immediately after I graduate, I probably should be getting myself some experience in my field of study first. So I guess that’s what I’m gonna do for now. And I’m going to be just like Jesus in His attitude when it comes to my job; gonna have a willing heart so that I can release ability, energy, strategy, and blessings in my life through this job.

Okay. I gotta go iron clothes for tomorrow. And then off to bed. So until the next time, cheers….. :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Moving along…..

Sigh… It’s really becoming a pain… What is?? It’s called job hunting and apartment hunting? Why can’t I just continue staying in NTU? I guess that’s not part of the plan. Just finished browsing through the public folders and saw a couple of prospective apartments. Gonna call them up tomorrow and arrange for a viewing. There’s one I particularly like cuz the tenant got cable access and they’re allowing to use FOC. See how that one goes…

As for the job hunt, high chance I might not end up taking the full time job in church. I guess the timing is just not right yet as I’m a fresh graduate. What my parents and my sister have been saying makes a bit of sense and I’ve been considering it myself. I know my desire is to one day serve God full time but there’s always this thing in my heart that says that I should be seeking experience in my own field first. At least, in future, if I do need to jump back into my own field, I have the experience to show for it. I’ll be praying on this a bit more cuz I’m not very sure about it yet either…. Sigh… Just another phase of life that one wishes that one doesn’t have to go through.

As for the rest of my time, I’m taking it easy for a while. This week has been crazy though. Church-wide bible studies, Daniel’s vocal workshop (for those of you who’re interested, visit There’s another workshop on 11th December. Check the site for more details.), and photo job on Thursday and Friday night got rehearsals for the SOT graduation. Next week, I’m just gonna be a good boy and start seriously looking for jobs.

Guess that’s all for now. Time for bed… Nitey nitez… Cheers…. :Þ

the otnaicus daily

It’s Finally Over……

The meaning of my title is two-fold. Firstly, yes, the exams are finally over. Secondly, the schooling phase of my life is over. As I just told my friends recently, I’m going on permanent Industrial Attachment. Think most of you should know, that I’m having very mixed feelings about school ending and working life starting. But I guess this is part and parcel of life. One chapter ends, the next one begins.

Had a talk with Bro. Adrian just now. He’s the TV Ministry’s HOD. Asked me whether I would like to come on and serve full time in church. Just to dispell some of the misconceptions that some of you may have, it is a job, therefore I’m paid. It comes with benefits and stuff. But I guess the most important factor is whether this is my calling in life. Serving God full time is not a decision that one makes lightly. Although I have been having the desire to serve in the media department of my church full time, I’m still having doubts as to whether this is really the path God intended for me. I guess I still need to search God about this. I won’t go for it unless I have my parents’ nod and God’s nod. No point doing this and then quarrell with my parents my entire life. Sigh.. Pray for me….

Well, I’m gonna relax for a bit and catch up with my friends. Then it’s apartment-hunting and job-hunting time. Again, pray for me hor….

Okay, time to go shower and prepare for my presentation on Monday. What presentation?? My FYP presentation. Until the next time, ciaoz and cheers…. :Þ

the otnaicus daily

The War is Ending!!

Sigh… Even though I have only 3 papers, I’m feeling pretty worn out. Probably it’s the mind games I need to keep playing with myself to make sure I stay focused in that week between my papers. But I’m glad it’s coming to an end. This Friday will mark my partial freedom; partial cuz I still have a FYP presentation to work on.

Aside from exams, this weekend has been one heck of a weekend. Had services at the Indoor Stadium with Rev. Dr. Ulk Ekman. The word he delivered was so powerful. Although I was half stoning in the control room and half walking around the stadium shooting pictures, just felt the word fall on the place so strong. I have to try to get a hold of the recordings and sit down and listen to the sermon.

Covered a church event officially for the first time as a photographer. It was an amazing experience but I’m left wondering whether my shots are gonna be usable. But I really just thank God for the experience. I didn’t know that covering an event as a photographer can wear you out so much. At the end of the service on Saturday, my legs felt like a ton of lead has been attached to it. But it’s all worth it, especially when you are serving the Lord.

Well, I’ve slacked enough. Time to hit my books again. To all my friends who have completed their exams, congratulations and go play. For those of you who still have papers this week, soldier on. The end is very very near. Gambatte!!!

Well, that’s all folks… Cheers… :Þ

the otnaicus daily

1 down, 2 to go…..

Wow… Just realised that almost a week has gone by after my last post. Update from the examination centre, as the title reads, 1 down, 2 to go… Yup, Advanced Computer Networks was a partial killer. On top of that was my careless mistakes. But I guess, overall, I should be able to clear the paper.

Next paper, one that progresses up my chart of difficulty, is Cryptography and Network Security. Why more difficult? Cuz got more stuff to memorise. This subject doesn’t come as intuitively as Advanced Computer Networks so it’s gonna require a bit more work. And the wonderful thing? I’ve slacked for the past 3 days and now I’m having some difficulty getting back into the groove. Sigh…. But nevertheless, I have to continue to pia…. 🙂

I guess there’s nothing really much happening in my life during these 3 weeks. So you might see short posts and posts will come few and far between. But I guess after my exams, I should be updating more regularly, so do check back then… Until then, cheerios….. :Þ

the otnaicus daily

3 Days to D-Day!!!

Well, 3 days to my first paper… Preparations for that one is going well, just that there’s a lot of memorizing to do cuz it’s mainly a theory paper. But I’m confident that I’ll be ready for it…. 🙂

And for my comrades whose exams have already begun, gambatte and all the best. Hell week will be over in a few weeks time and then we can have fun together. Well, even though some of you are taking the inter-semestral session, we can still have fun, since the timetable is quite slack one. Haha… Yeah, so just keep your eyes on the ball for a little while longer. Will be keeping you guys and gals in my prayers….

Oh yes, a little update on my dead PC. Yeah, it’s still dead. But I’ve gotten the replacement processor from Intel. Just that I haven’t had the time to travel down to Sim Lim to get those parts that I need to replace. And also, I don’t want to cuz I’ll be too engrossed fixing up my trusty ol’ gray box that I’ll totally forget to study for my exams. Think God has done me a favour this time by “killing” my PC, cuz in it resides a tuner card that allows me to watch TV. So dead PC equals no TV. No TV equals less distractions. Less distractions equal Sucianto being able to study in his own crib.Haha….

Just found out recently that Bit Torrent can once again be accessed from the campus network. Unfortunately, it works for some, it doesn’t work for others. And I happen to be one that belongs in the it-doesn’t-work category. I hope that when I try it out on my resurrected PC, it’ll work and I can then avoid all boredom. Until then, I’ll just have to rely on Evelyn to help me download my English serials.

Think I’m gonna retire already. Rubbing my eyes, which means that I’m super tired and sleepy and I’m just kept awake by my sheer disregard to my body’s call for sleep. Until next time, enjoy the new music I’ve put up, which are my current faves… Cheers…. :Þ