the otnaicus daily


Sigh… Yes… I know this post should be about me having shifted and now enjoying an air-conditioned room and what not. But unfortunately, this is not to be. Why?!?! Pesky truck rental companies… One has to leave one’s destiny in their hands because one can’t reserve a truck for rental. Yes, so I’m still at JW St. 91 with all my clothes packed. Tonight, you’ll see poor old Sucianto rummaging through his luggage in a room that he stays in. Weird picture? Well, IT IS!!!!

I’ll be off to Taipei again on Monday. Same flight as last time. Flying back on Friday. Same flight as last time too. That means waking up at 5am on Friday. Coupled with the lack of sleep have I have been having this week and next week, it’s gonna be tough. But, my praises will still rise up to God. Good experience lah… 🙂

Well, I hope the next time I blog, I’ll be operating from my new premises… Until next time, this is otnaicus signing off… Cheers… :Þ

the otnaicus daily


Sigh… Am sititing here in Tutorial Room 9 of NTU waiting for my turn to be interviewed. How long more I have to wait I do not know. But it’s getting a tad boring. Newspapers? Read finish already. The Internet? Nothing much leh. So I decided. BLOG!!! Wahahaha…

Anyway, my big shift to Tampines will come this Friday. And I have hardly started packing. Need to get a move on that. Today is already Tuesday and Friday is just around the corner. Shifting is something lousy that I wish I would never have to do again but that will never be the case. Maybe at least until I get married. Haha… Now you know how bored am I to be thinking that far into the future. Hmmm… Then again, it might not be that far off either. Oh well.. It all depends on God I suppose. And to a certain extent, me. Haha…

Well, back to my waiting… And say a prayer for me…. Until next time, cheers… :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Happy Mother’s Day!!!

Four months of this year has passed. Into the fifth month. That translates to me being unemployed for four months and I’ve got two months left before my student pass expires. But I believe that God will grant me a job soon. Have been sending out resumes to places where there are opportunities. I wonder whether I should just start unsolicited resumes. Sometimes, this all gets frustrating. When I see by course mates that have finished at the same time as me having jobs, I feel that I’m the last person from the batch that has yet to land a job. But I’ll leave it all to God. And of course, more resumes going out…. Hehehe…

Yup… This Sunday is Mother’s Day. Please do remember to do something nice to your mom if you can. If you’re separated by the oceans, at least call or send a card k? Must always remember that our mother is still our mother no matter how far apart you are from her.

It’s has been a long few days, with all the rehearsals and job searching and helping out in church with the Pastor’s Course. But it has been fulfliing. At least, I’m doing something that I enjoy. Early days means that it gets harder to wake up as the week goes by. So this weekend must sleep and recharge. Cuz next week, got another week of Pastor’s Course and got Rev. Dr. Phil Pringle is in town the whole week next week. Gonna be a great time.

Okie… Better I get back to directing Pastor’s Course properly. Until the next time, cheers…. :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Idiot "hacker"

A friend just shared this with me and it’s hilarious… Check it out here….

For those of you who are well-versed in computer networking, good for you. For those of you who are not, that number means your own computer… Essentially, the “hacker” is deleting his own hard drive…. Sucker and loser…. Sigh…..

Cheers…. :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Post "Live" Recording

Long and tiring event over. The “Live” Recording can be described in two simple words: very fun. For us camerapersons, another word describes how we feel as of last night: tired. But all in all the whole thing went well. And now everything is in post-production. The CD is coming out in July and the DVD in October. I hope the DVD will get done in-house. Feel that this is the best way to showcase CHC’s style and to capture God’s presence.

Well, think my apartment hunt might have ended. Gonna most prob be shifting to Holland area, although I haven’t seen the place yet. Maybe going down with Raymond within these few days to go look see look see. Hope the place is nice and suitable. Holland area. Gonna be interesting… Kekekeke….

Exam fever is in the air… I can feel it everywhere… Hahaha… Oh well, to all my friends taking exams, ALL THE BEST!!! I know it’s a bit late for me to say this, but better late then never. It’s gonna end soon. For some of you, its the last exam that you’ll be sitting for in a while… So put your best into it k?

Guess that’s all for now folks… Cheers…. :Þ

the otnaicus daily


Sigh. I’m here to complain. Yeah… Complain….

Firstly… Job…. How?? I’m still unemployed leh… Actively hunting, but no results yet leh… Yesterday, I’m suddenly washed over by feelings of exasperation.. Like I’m at my wits end already. It has been almost four months since I finished the course but I’m stil jobless.. HOW?!?! Lord please help me…. I need to secure a job soon cuz my student’s pass is expiring…. And plus, I don’t wanna live off my dad forever too…

Secondly, accomodation. Well, the deal with my friend to move over to Tampines is off. Why? Her flatmate decided not to shift out already. Sigh. So I’m back to hunting for an apartment on my own. What to do? This is a fact of life lah. Have to be this way. A foreigner here, alone in Singapore. No friends to join with to get a flat of our own too. Sigh. God, please help me get a good place to stay.

Haiz….. Lamentations over……..

the otnaicus daily

Back in Town

After an exciting few days in Taipei, I’m back in town. Had fun even though it was very tiring. And really, standing at a camera for 30-plus hours straight is no joke. After looking through a tiny viewfinder for a while, you start to have double vision, even quadruple vision. But the experience is definitely good. Pray that I have more opportunities like this in the future.

Pastor Kong preached a very good word this weekend. It reminded us of what praise and worship is all about and what carrying the presence of God is. Really reminded me of the true meaning of being a Christian. It’s not only about serving God but it’s also about our walk with Him. I know that this may ring familiar in a lot of our ears, especially those that has been walking with the Lord for ages, but in the midst of our work and service that we just forget all about it. Really, service should flow out of worship and as we walk close with God, we carry His annointing and presence on us that will allow us to serve Him effectively and to touch lives all around us. And I guess, that’s what being a servant should be. Even as we serve day in and day out, and as we sometimes lose focus on why we are doing this, let us just take time off to consider our service to God. Whether we are still doing it in the right attitude or it has just become another routine.

That’s all for now I guess. Shall come in and update as often as I can…. Until then, cheers…. :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Reporting from Taipei

Yep.. In Taipei now. For those of you who are unsure as to where the heck Taipei is, it’s in Taiwan. Where’s Taiwan? It’s somewhere in this world. Go look up an atlas or globe or something…..

Well, Pastor Kong is having a conference here. Actually, he’s going through with the local leaders our church’s bible study materials. Crash course. Each bible study course is 10 chapters long and it’s covered within a day. Shiong ah… My role here? Cameraman lor…. This is called stress testing of a cameraman… 10 hours non-stop on camera (of course got breaks lah) and with the same crowd some more. Good experience sia. Have to think up of new angles to shoot the same crowd. By lunchtime, you’ll be exhausted of shots already… Hahaha…

Not gonna have time to look around the place, but have been enjoying the food here lah.. Hope I didn’t gain any kilos…

Anyway, gotta sign off now… Posting in between sessions…. Until the next time, cheers…. :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Hello from Mars

Wow…. It has been a while since I last blogged. Hence the wonderful title, “Hello from Mars”. And no, I’ve not been to Mars, just that I haven’t had much time to blog. Also, nothing much to update. My apologies to friends who are used to checking my blog every now and then.

Well, past three weeks have been hectic. Benny Hinn was here two weeks ago. The services was simply fantastic. No words to describe how wonderful they were. God’s presence simply fell. And yours truly had a “backstage pass” to everything. By backstage pass, I mean I could walk in to the venue without queueing outside with the masses.

Then last Saturday had a wedding shoot. Nice couple. Pretty routine stuff.

Then this week. EASTER!!!!! Yeah, this time round I’m involved and can be involved. Why? Have no exams (no offense intended to my dear friends who are cramming right now). So I’m involved in the drama production this time round. It has been fun but tough. Long nights, little sleep and long briefing sessions. But I guess, through it all, it’s the passion that will keep me going; my passion to serve God and my love for God. I pray that this weekend would see the transformation of thousands of souls, and the drama will touch all those lives.

I gotta get back to “work” now. Blogging in between rehearsal runs at SIS actually. I hope to check back soon. Until the next time, cheers….. :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Greetings from Penang, Malaysia

Haha… Yes… Never update since Chinese New Year. Almost two weeks? But then again, nothing much happening here in Penang. Here’s my daily routine: wakeup, lunch, watch TV, swim, dinner, watch some more TV, sleep. Occasionally the going out and afternoon nap. Haha…

Oh yes, I went down to KL for a few days last week too. Did a lot of window shopping, mostly because I don’t have much to buy. But I bought this cool thing from Ikea. Don’t know whether they have it in Singapore or not. It’s a combination clock, date display and thermometer in three separate spheres of different sizes. You’re supposed to hang it from the ceiling. Think I’ll post a picture of it when I get the chance. Haha.. It’s real cool…

And a first experience for me. I was wondering around a shopping centre in Penang hunting for CDs and DVDs. Don’t ask me what sort, I think we all know what I’m talking about. Anyway, after happily buying a few games for my PC, me and my sister walked over to a shop selling movies on DVDs. Barely 5 seconds after we stepped in, the shopkeepers started turning off lights and chased everybody out. Then they closed the shutters to their shop. Police are coming a-knocking. Haha. Got a scare of my life then. There we are, wondering with a bag full of “stuff” and the police or whoever is conducting the spot checks are wandering around the shopping complex. But thank God nothing happened. Haha.. Went back a few days later and scored a few DVDs… Hahaha…. Sigh….

Holiday is coming to an end. Headed back to Singapore on this Thursday. Back to the job hunting and the painful decision-making process of whether I should shift to Tampines or not. Well, I pray that God will help me land a job soon and give me to wisdom to decide whether to shift. Plus a whole lot of other stuff. Being away for too long has it’s disadvantages….

Oh well, time for bed. Got lots of places to go tomorrow and it’ll be an early day. So until the next time, good night and sweet dreamz. Cheers… :Þ