the otnaicus daily

Just realised that today is Friday. The week seeme…

Just realised that today is Friday. The week seemed to just fly by. Next Friday is my first paper for which I haven’t even begun studying. But at the moment, that subject is the least of my worries cuz it’s my general elective, which is Elementary Chinese 1. Nothing much for me to cover there except memorising how to write the Chinese characters. Will start on that next Monday.

Think I’ll be burning a bit of midnight oil later cuz I got service at 8pm later in the day and going to the library will just seem like neither here nor there, judging by the time I usually wake up at. Gonna try to finish up a couple more questions for Computer Networks then go to bed.

For those of you who have noticed in my past posts that my CD-RW drive is dead, well, good news. I’ve bought a new one. It’s the TDK Cyclone. It writes at 48x, re-writes at 24x and reads at 48x. All in all, a pretty good drive. Tried burning a disc just now and it’s damn fast. Faster then my old writer which writes at 8x. That’s 6 times as slow. Plus, I got a new hard drive to replace the one that is almost dead. It’s a Western Digital Caviar 80GB drive with 8MB buffer. A supposedly reliable brand backed up by a three-year warranty.

My phone’s back with me. They replaced the headset for me, claiming that it’s the headset that is damaged and not my phone. But I don’t really care at the moment. Still got about 6 or 7 months of warranty left on the phone.

Weekend’s around the corner, but for me, it’s study, study and study. I hope I can find a good place to study as the library will be closed. Anyway, I’ll leave that problem till the weekend. Right now, gotta go shower and burn that midnight oil.

Take care, God bless, good night, sweet dreamz….

the otnaicus daily

Hmmz…. Maybe I should change the name of this bl…

Hmmz…. Maybe I should change the name of this blog to the otnaicus nightly judging by the time I update this site everytime. But I guess I should leave the name as it is. Anyway, I’ve kinda like decided to update this blog at night and update my other one, the otnaicus times, when I get bored while studying in the library. Check out today’s post at the otnaicus times. It’s a record breaking post. It’s so long that I can’t even believe I typed that.

Anyway, after that super long post, I managed to get some work done. Finished up the last section of Control & Instrumentation and started on attempting some past year exam questions. Seemed pretty okay but I need to work a bit on the speed of question solving. But I guess, for Control & Instrumentation, it should be no problem. Gonna continue attempting some questions on this module tomorrow. Then I’m gonna start on the other modules. And by start, I mean start working on the exam questions.

Gonna send in my 6610 in for a bit of servicing tomorrow. Hopefully they can get it done within a few hours so I don’t have to go down another day and collect it. At the same time, can eat lunch outside for a change. Not that the food is greater outside at Jurong Point but at least it’s not standard NTU canteen fare. Then, back to the library for study, practice and more study.

Guess my laundry is about done. Collect it, hang and sleep. Take care, God bless, good night and sweet dreamz!!

the otnaicus daily

It has been a pretty boring day for me. Tried my b…

It has been a pretty boring day for me. Tried my best to get some studying done but well, nothing much got done. Gonna try again later but the combination of the hot weather and my boredom is making me sleepy. Nevertheless, I’m gonna give it a shot with God at my side.

Well, my CD-RW drive has finally kicked the bucket. My friend came over just now and we tried for about 30 minutes to get some stuff burnt onto CDs. The drive refused to detect the discs no matter what I do. Don’t know whether it’ll be wiser to get it repaired or to get a new one. Doesn’t cost much to get one nowadays. Plus, my writer is about 3 years old already. Oh well……..

Going to shower soon and then go hit my books. Maybe I’ll come on again later kill my boredom. Or perhaps, I shall update my blog over at Xanga. Check it out once in a while. Although, I think you’ll see more “evolution” happening at this blog cuz it’s more customisable.

Take care, God bless….

the otnaicus daily

Happy Easter everybody!!! Well, I’m about 45 minut…

Happy Easter everybody!!! Well, I’m about 45 minutes late in wishing everybody that but there is still Easter Sunday to look forward to.

Was in church just now. The Easter production they put up was, simply put, wonderful. They sang “I Will Survive” and “Come What May” but with changed lyrics. Hard to describe but if you were there, you’d be laughing your pants off. Then in the scene where they depict Jesus’ battle with satan after He was crucified, they sang Evanescence’s “Bring Me To Life”. No lyrics changed this time. When they started playing the first few notes of the song, I was like “Hey, isn’t this Evanescence?? What did they do to the song??” But as I looked up at the board where they put lyrics for the choir to see, I realised the song was as is. No change to the lyrics. It was pretty cool. If you want to, can catch it at my church’s website . They do live webcast there. Still got services on Saturday 4.30pm and 7.30pm and Sunday 10am, 12pm and 2pm. All times GMT +8.

As I was saying in my last post, my CD-RW drive is giving up on me. Takes a while before it can detect discs, a rather long while actually and only after repeated opening and closing of the disc tray. And my hard drive is beginning to give me problems as well. In this day and age, products are just not designed to last longer than the warranty period. Sick, but I guess that’s what makes the world and economy tick.

Going back to hit my books for a while before I go to bed. Take care, God bless….

the otnaicus daily

And I’m back to report that my CD-RW drive is dead…

And I’m back to report that my CD-RW drive is dead. Can’t detect discs. Haiz!

the otnaicus daily

Good evening ladies and gentlemen. It has been a g…

Good evening ladies and gentlemen. It has been a good day today. Far more productive today than the past few days. Managed to plow through plenty of material today. Tomorrow, part 2 of today. Plus, a visit to my lecturer. Hope he’ll be in so that I can clear up some doubts I have.

I think it’s time for me to send my phone in for repair. The keypad LEDs keeps on blinking out on me. Plus the connector for the headsets are a bit loose. You know, you connect it, the phone detects it, but when you pick up a call, you can’t hear anything. Since it’s still under warranty, might as well. And maybe can a get a software upgrade while I’m at it. But first have to borrow an infra-red transceiver from my friend to backup my phone contents. Upgrading software causes a lot of stuff to be wiped out. Thank God I have a backup phone while my current one is in service. But still, I hope it doesn’t take too long to repair.

Going to sleep earlier tonight. My study group going for breakfast tomorrow morning and then it’s back to the library for another round of studying and head-scratching.

So I bid all of you a good night and sweet dreams. Take care, God bless….

the otnaicus daily

It has been a long day. I’ve been studying in the …

It has been a long day. I’ve been studying in the library these past couple of days. Can study better there but it takes a while for me to build up that “momentum” needed to study. And when the momentum is finally there, either it’s dinner time or the library is closing. But momentum or no momentum, thank God that I can still get some studying done.

Today marks the end of the two major online registrations I gotta do for school stuff. First of all, the IA registration thingie. And secondly, my application for hostel accomodation for the next academic year. Hope both of those registrations turn out in my favour, and in my favour I mean getting my first 3 choices of my IA company selection and the current room that I’m staying in now.

Finally finished Database Systems. Tomorrow gonna continue on SC301, or better known as Control & Instrumentation. You see, the subject is split into two sections, namely control theory and instrumentation. So far just finished the instrumentation part and gonna continue on control theory tomorrow. A lot of math and integrations involved with control theory. Not to mention those Laplace Transforms and Z Transforms. I’m crapping and I’m 99.9% sure that you don’t know what I’m rambling about.

Gonna go to bed now. Will update again when I can ramble on about stuff again. Take care, God bless and Cheerio!!!

the otnaicus daily

Haiz!!!! That word summarises my feelings after…


That word summarises my feelings after a disappointing second visit to the Australian High Commission in Singapore. They chose the second time I travelled down to tell me that the visa is only valid for one month and asked me to go back again closer to the trip to do the application. What a bloody waste of my time. Seriously, these people can afford to be more friendly. See their faces I also feel like giving them two tight slaps. But that’s that. Not gonna hold it against them; frankly speaking not worth my energy lah. What to do?? Go down another day lor….

HItting some rough spots as I’m revising for the module Database Systems, especially the section on predicate logic. WIth all the funny symbols, I thought I left it far behind when I cleared two courses that used these funny symbols. Guess I’m back for another round. But I’m confident that with a bit of reading, everything will become clear. Worse come to worse, take a bus ride to school and go find the ever elusive lecturers. Some of them post consultation hours, but sometimes even during those hours, they disappear to goodness-knows-where.

Cell group was cool this weekend. It was combined with another cell, as I’ve mentioned before. Supposed to be an outreach but unfortunately, not a lot of friends came. But nevertheless, we had fun praising and worshipping God, the food was good (catered buffet) and the actors and actresses who presented the skit was good.

I’m gonna take a nap now. Woke up early to go down to the Australian High Commission. Later in the afternoon, study, study and more study.

Take care!!! Cheerio!!!

the otnaicus daily

YES!!!!! Solved that problem with red space above …

YES!!!!! Solved that problem with red space above my weather forecast service. Turns out to be a problem with my customizations in the HTML code.

And my orals went well. Panicked for nothing. Thought there was gonna be reading and there’s not gonna be any pinyin in the passage. Turns out that it’s only a simple dialog plus a bit of oral comprehension.

That’s all. Just wanna share my joy that a small part of my exams is over and that my problem is solved.


the otnaicus daily

Once again, good morning. Just finished preparing …

Once again, good morning. Just finished preparing for my LC80 orals tomorrow, or rather later today. By the way, LC80 is my general elective, Elementary Chinese.

Finally settled on the choices for my IA companies. Not a list that I’m entirely satisfied with cuz some of the places are really far out. I stay in the west and the companies are in the east. About 1.5hrs to 2hrs journey each day. Please do pray for me that I get my first three choices. Just figured that I could make changes to the submitted list so I’m gonna look through them again before the closing date and see whether there can be any changes made.

Just visited my own blog site and realised that it’s a bit screwed. There’s a bit of red space above my weather forecast service thingie. Hope this post solves that problem. Kinda interesting how that got there.

Went down to the travel agent today to confirm the bookings of my air ticket to Australia together with my travel pals. Had to finalise the dates so that I can go apply for my Australian visa. I really pray and hope that the application will be approved. Really excited about the trip though.

Gotta go catch some winks. Long day ahead. Orals, lunch with friends and cell group. This week’s cell may last very long cuz it’s a combined with another cell and there are “programs” after that. But I think I better come back early to rest a bit then study.

See ya soon!! Cheerio!!!