the otnaicus daily

Haha… Just realised that I have one more server …

Haha… Just realised that I have one more server that I can store my music on.. One with an unlimited bandwidth, or so I think… It’s called the NTU Personal Web Pages server… Hahaha… First good use I’ve found for it… So hopefully, the music will flow through nicely and without any interruptions…

Okay.. Moving away from the subject of my music… Hahaa… Yeah… Went for a “food tour” around Singapore with my friends.. Basically eating the whole day at well-known eateries around Singapore… Yup, you’ll be surprised at the number of good food available in this little island state.. And by good food, I mean the hawker fare.. Fried Kuay Teow, Chicken Rice, Poh Piah, Satay, etc. Basically, great stuff to eat… And so stuffed now… Haha… And feeling super sinful…

A brand new day tomorrow… Meeting Darminder and his “management team” for a discussion on how he should take his vocal coaching thing from here… Then I guess I’ll be back in NTU to work on my FYP and hopefully, meet my supervisor to update him… This is gonna be one stressed out week, so if you don’t see me updating my blog, please do excuse me…

Anyhow, I’m gonna go work a bit on my project… Let me bid you a good night and sweet dreams… Cheers… 🙂

the otnaicus daily

With All I Am For All You’ve Done Hillsong Music…

With All I Am

For All You’ve Done

Hillsong Music Australia

Into Your hands

I commit again

With all I am

For You, Lord

You hold my world

In the palm of Your hand

And I am Yours



Jesus I believe in You

Jesus I belong to You

You’re the reason that I sing

The reason that I live

With all I am

I’ll walk with You

Wherever You go

Through tears and joy

I’ll trust in You

And I will live

In all of Your ways

And Your promises


repeat chorus


I will worship

I will worship You

repeat chorus

the otnaicus daily

Kekeke… Notice something different?? Yeah… My …

Kekeke… Notice something different?? Yeah… My blog now has music… Music that I enjoy listening to, music that has lyrics that jumped right out at me, music that soothes my nerves, music that describes my mood that particular moment… Well, yeah, music…. But I must apologise in advance, if the music doesn’t load cuz the file is stored on my photo gallery site and the traffic is limited… I’ll put up the lyrics as and when I can and I’ll try to change it regularly… And for the debut song, well, read the column… 🙂

Ares outing was fun on Friday evening… Seriously my friends, go catch The Terminal… It’s seriously good and funny… Kinda like Castaway meets Forest Gump… Superbly hilarious… Just go watch it… But before that, we went to makan at the buffet steamboat cum bbq place at Marina South.. And before that, Meijin, OH Yi Von, Damon and myself when to Orchard for a while.. Went to get some ice-cream at Bravissimo at Tangs. Thanks junior, for introducing me to the lemon flavour… It rocked, absolutely… 😉

Oh well, the end of another Saturday. Had fun doing cam 3 today. At least the hall looked packed today, so I had an easier time. Looked packed?? Yeah, well, the last 3 rows of empty seats were covered by the people standing during praise and worship. So it looked packed. After praise and worship, I took over iris controls upstairs in control. Been a long time since I touched iris so it was pretty challenging, especially during the ministry time when Pastor Kong was walking around laying hands on people. Speaking of which, the message was powerful and and ministry time, even better. SD’ed again for service 3 and at the same time, attended service. Tiring day….

Tomorrow’s supposed to be food tour day… Or rather, today, since it’s past midnight… But the problem is I don’t even know what time we’re setting off, where I’m meeting the guys and stuff… Last I heard was 10am, but I’m not too sure.. Just wake up early enough lah… Hahaha…

So… That’s all for now… Time for shower and bed… And I am still stressed over my FYP… Pray for me… Cheers… 🙂

the otnaicus daily

Wow!!! A very very good cell group we had today……

Wow!!! A very very good cell group we had today… Experienced Joshua’s cell leading for the first time… But aside from that, it was a powerful word… Really spoke to me and I’m definitely going to do something about it… The sermon was on Hearing from God… Something that I don’t personally experience myself, partly because I don’t really seek Him regularly… But after this, I’m definitely gonna try to sit down and seek Him more regularly… Combined with last weekend’s sermon, certainly made a big impact in my life… Plus the ministry time was awesome… Was just simply refreshed by the presence of the Holy Spirit… That’s the kind of quiet time I wanna have… 😉

Yeah, just wanted to share that… Hahaha… Cheers pple… 😉

the otnaicus daily

Here I am, stoning outside the SCE general office….

Here I am, stoning outside the SCE general office. Suffering from a severe lack of sleep. Only had a pathetic 4 hours of sleep, or rather, nap. Well, of course it’s of my own doing, having went bowling at an unearthly hour of 11pm and then to a few rounds of pool at the adjacent pool parlour at 1am this morning. Hence, here I am… Stoning and suffering… Can’t wait for lectures to be finally over so that I can go back and take another nap. My objective?? To be able to keep awake for cell later. I so need to be refilled and recharged by the presence of my dear Heavenly Father…

Went for a Catholic mass after a super long hiatus.. “Catholic mass?”, some may ask.. Yes.. Accompanied a friend to one yesterday evening. An interesting experience. They happened to be celebrating Mary’s (who??? Jesus’ mom lah… ) birthday yesterday. Didn’t stay for the whole thing though cuz I had an investiture to attend… “Super long hiatus?”, another might wonder.. Yes.. When I first arrived in Singapore back in 1992, I attended a Catholic church for a while because my guardian’s daughter was then singing in the choir in that church. Back then, I basically fell asleep almost every week… I was pretty glad when her friend invited her to an Anglican church and we basically stayed on in that church… Haha… Now you know more about quirky me… Kekeke…

Investiture was an interesting affair. The outgoing 4th Committee were given scented candles as tokens of appreciation for our service. Nicely designed candles, they were… Heard they were pretty costly as well.. Then they played an “appetiser game”. They blu-tacked some cards to the bottom of the LT chairs and using those cards, they were supposed to use the four basic mathematical operations to come up with another number that we gave them.. For the first time in my life, I saw the sub-committee members and the rest of the audience, including our club advisors, participated actively in the games. Amazing what a tray of sushi can do… Haha… Yeah… The prize was a tray of Sakae sushi… Loads of fun… You see a whole bunch of friends pool all their cards together so that they stand a better chance of winning that tray of sushi… The atmosphere was simply wonderful… Kudos to the 5th Comm…

Goodness me, I’m just sitting here yawning away as I’m typing out this entry. Think I had better stop here and get a bit of rest in.. Haha… Cheers…. 😉

the otnaicus daily

Here am I, at the end of another day.. Tired? Not …

Here am I, at the end of another day.. Tired? Not so, cuz of a short day… Fun, yes, cuz had a nice dinner session with my friends just now… Gave some of them a tour of my church building too and I think they were pretty impressed with it…

Well, went to see my supervisor today.. Told him that my program now works beautifully… He asked me to start working on the other CBC-MAC schemes, and so I’ll be working on some of the other schemes… Hopefully, there’s some kind soul out there who has actually programmed this in and I can “kap” (colloquial for steal) the code… Haha… Not exactly steal lah but use the code as reference. My programming is not exactly my strongest suite, but I am trying my very best, with the help of my Heavenly Father… Then there’s this matter of the report and I’m supposed to work on an outline so that my supervisor can approve the thing and then I can actually start writing, or rather, typing the thing up. Time’s short so you’ll see an ever panda-like Sucianto walking around… Hahaha…

Tomorrow is the CEC 5th Management Committee Investiture… I’m official photographer… Haha… You must be thinking, what am I doing being their official photographer when I have stepped down and stuff… Well, haha, I’m that kind of person who’ll help a friend out whenever I can… Plus, photography is one of my passions lah…. Gain more experience shooting events would do me good also… Haha… And Lawrence, who’s the 4th Comm’s Publication Secretary, has also been roped in to do video for the event too… Funny right?? All the old birds (again, colloquial for old hands) are being “summoned” to help out… Kekeke… The irony of life… Hahaha…

Oh yes… Here’s a software review… Skype rocks… Basically something like VoIP lah… If you have a broadband connection, the voice quality like using a landline telephone… Shiok man… Free phone calls… Well, not exactly free if you’re paying for your broadband connection.. But then again, I’m using my school’s intranet, for which I pay peanuts every year… So it’s almost like free lah… Hahaha… Yeah, it’s a good app… They claim it delivers tolerable quality over dialup connections too, but I’ve not tried lah… So for those of you more adventurous ones…. 🙂

Friends, the sitcom, rocks man… I’ve started watching all the seasons again… Well, not exactly watching all lah, but let it run in the background as I work… Occasionally the very good episodes, I’ll stop and watch… But it seriously rocks… I am so sad that the series has come to an end… Haiz… Hope there will come another sitcom that is as enjoyable as Friends… Here’s a tribute to Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox Arquette, Lisa Kudrow, Matt Le Blanc, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer.. Thanks for bringing to life such a wonderful show… And of course, to all the people behind the scenes…. 🙂

Anyhoo… I guess that’s enuff ranting for the night…. Perhaps another session tomorrow…. Cheers all… 😉

the otnaicus daily

Wow… It’s been 3 days since I last updated my bl…

Wow… It’s been 3 days since I last updated my blog… Oh well, nothing much happened over the weekend except for church and FYP… Basically snoozed away my weekend and still feeling tired and super sleeply at all hours of the day…

FYP’s coming along good… Although my modifications for testing doesn’t seem to be working… Haha… Wonder why, but still trying to debug the sucker… Hahaha… About two weeks to submission…. I’m screwed, as far as the report is concerned….

Oh well, nothing much to say at this point in time… Next week’s the holidays…. A much appreciated break but I am not sure how much of a break I’m gonna be getting..

That’s all for now folks…. Cheers….

the otnaicus daily

Post number one for the month of September… Haha…

Post number one for the month of September… Haha… Another week has come to an end… Fast isn’t it?? Week 6 has ended.. Week 7 is gonna start… Another 7 weeks to the exams… And two weeks to my FYP 1st draft submission… Wow… I like counting down, don’t I??? Hahaha…. Depressing isn’t it?? Oh yes, one more thing, 7 weeks to end of course… Wahhaha….

Went down for a recruitment talk by DBS today… They’re recruiting management trainees and also looking to take in people under their management associate program… Sounds interesting but I’m still not too sure whether I should apply or not, or whether they would accept me, after taking a look at my grades… But well, through Christ, nothing is impossible… So I’ll just be praying about it for a bit before I decide whether to apply for it or not… Even then, I’m just thinking, there isn’t any harm applying right?? Can turn down if I really get in what… But I just wanna be sure of God’s plan for my life after University first before I apply blindly at every single job that turns up… Got a few more talks that I’ve signed up for also… So maybe I’ll make my decisions after those…

Oh, did I mention that my program for FYP is finally finally working?? I’m sorry for being repetitive if I have already done so…. Just so happy.. Now I’m just praying that the program actually functions.. Hahaha… By function, I mean that it generates the correct output… I’m now modifying the program so that I can input test values and generate outputs that have been verified… Hope to get it up over the weekend…. 🙂

Weekend’s here… So is church on Saturdays…. Think I don’t have to go down on Sunday so that’ll be my day off… Things might be different this weekend, so I’ll have to be on my toes.. How different? Well, let’s just say different lah… I also dunno how different… Hahaha…. I’ll let you all know after I find out… Haha…

Oh well… I gotta head back to my program… Trying to do some stuff to it, like I said… Hahaha… To all my dear readers, have a good and blessed weekend…


the otnaicus daily

Well, well… It’s now Tuesday morning, and I’m st…

Well, well… It’s now Tuesday morning, and I’m still awake installing Windows XP Service Pack 2 into my notebook as well as a computer that I’m fixing up for a friend, Catherine. At least, my lessons start late tomorrow… So no need to wake up so early…

My FYP program finally runs, although now I am doubting the validity of the output of the program… You see, the program generates message authentication codes (MAC), for those of you who knows cryptography. So I need to bring the program back to my supervisor to see whether he can make head or tail of it… At least my heart is a bit easier now knowing that my program works and doesn’t crash anymore…

Felt a teeny weeny bit empty just now as I was coming back from the library with Raymond.. Suddenly, I am released from Committee work… No more meetings, events to plan, late nights preparing for events, etc… Just back to normal “civilian” life.. Suddenly, evenings are so freed up that I don’t know what to do with myself… I guess I shall make better use of my time catching up on studies and my FYP report… As I have said many times, a bittersweet experience… Hahaha….

My room is in a super big mess now, what with my friend’s CPU and monitor lying around… But that’s not the main cause of the mess… The main cause is the installation discs that are strewn all over the shop, as I tend to do when I’m fixing up computers… Haha.. Oh well, blame it all on me lah…. 🙂

I’ve changed out of the hub that I’ve borrowed from Tong Chuan. Got myself a network switch.. Actually, I was blessed with it.. Thanks to Catherine (again), I am now able to hit the network at max speed of 100Mbps… Haha….

Okay, time to hit the bed… Tomorrow promises to be a long day, even though I only have one hour of lessons tomorrow… You see, there’s gonna be a leaders’ meeting tomorrow in church.. Hope that doesn’t last too late… Speaking of church, my PDA is there… Haha.. Left it there accidentally…

Okay okay…. I’m off… Thank God for this wonderful day… Looking forward to a better one tomorrow…. Good night and God bless and wonderful dreams…


the otnaicus daily

Hehehe…. I know it’s now Sunday morning… Just …

Hehehe…. I know it’s now Sunday morning… Just wanna update what happened yesterday, which was a Saturday…. We got a treat from the Computer Engineering Club… And by “we”, I mean the 4th Management Committee… A nice little buffet at Swissotel Merchant Court Hotel.. The buffet was simply delicious… Plenty of scallops, raw salmon and yu sheng like stuff to go around… Also got crayfish and crab… Highlight of the dinner?? This durian thingie that I suspect is made just by peeling the flesh of the durian off the seeds and then adding a bit of sugar and other stuff to it… Just like eating an actual durian, only that you don’t have to get your hands dirty… And yes, you get durian smelling burps… Hahaha… And the brownies and chocolate mousse was simply heavenly… A big thank you to God for such a wonderful blessing….

Then after dinner, we went looking for a place to chill out… Went from the hotel to New Asia Bar but found out that they had cover charge… So the great hunt for a chill out place started… Walked from Raffles City to Esplanade to Fullerton and finally to Boat Quay where we found this nice and cosy place called the Drinking Place. Yup… Basically chilled out there till closing and then took a cab back… Simply enjoyed the day with my friends, getting to know them better as well as the laughter and jokes….

Well, today is gonna be pretty long… So think I had better go shower and then head to bed…. Get to church tomorrow and then down to Suntec for Comex… Hope I can get my hands on one of those Linksys 5-port switches that is going at $29…. Can’t stand the speed of the hub that I borrowed from Tong Chuan already… Takes off up to 10 times the speed I once got for transfers over the intranet….

To my dear junior… If you’re reading this, I hope you feel much better already…. And I hope you’ve had a good weekend…..

And to all a good night…. Cheers….