the otnaicus daily

Sigh.. Another week has gone by. 6 more days to my…

Sigh.. Another week has gone by. 6 more days to my first paper. Enough said…..

Went for service today. Actually, served for Service 2 and then attended Service 3. And my, my, my. It turned out to be a spectacularly powerful service. God moved, and it has been a long time since His presence felt so tangible. It’s like He’s right there, holding me, hugging me and comforting me. I guess lately my thoughts and focus have been centered on my exams, my FYP, my ministry, my looking for a job, my moving out of NTU, my…… You get the idea. And right there and then, God just reminded me, “Have you forgotten about me? Why I am here? Why worry? You know that I have your plans firmly in My hands. Just leave it to Me. Just seek Me, and I will settle the rest.” And tears just flowed. Try as I might to stop it, it just keeps flowing. It felt REAL good to be there, soaking in the presence of God. I feel that a burden has been lifted off my shoulders today. And even though I still need to do all those things that I listed above, I know and I know and I know that God is by my side. And when He’s there, who can stand against me? Hee… I guess no one. Not a single thing. Thank You Lord, for just touching me today.

Did I mention that there are 6 more days to my paper?? Good night all…… 🙂

the otnaicus daily

Sigh… Although I sincerely thank God for the nic…

Sigh… Although I sincerely thank God for the nice and cool weather that we’ve been having the past few days, it’s a perfect mood killer for studying. The bed is always so inviting in this nice “temperate” weather. One perfect solution: get out of the room to study. One problem: to get my lazy rear-end moving. Sigh..

Well, at least my Crypto assignment is 99% complete. Just need to finish up my references then I’m all done. Made some progress with studying crypto too. Just that one requires tonnes of memory to remember all those protocols. Or can one rely on common sense to “generate” on-the-spot those more general ones. Sigh.

Oh well, gotta go out to Jurong Point and run some errands before heading over to join my friends to study. Yes, I am getting my lazy rear-end out of my room and to do some serious studying. I hope my determination and mood will cooperate with me. Haha…

Until next time, cheers…. :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Hahahahaha. Just chatting with Justin over MSN and…

Hahahahaha. Just chatting with Justin over MSN and he was telling me of all the funny news that were reported today. Windows taking over cars, Steve Ballmer saying that the main cause of piracy is the price of hardware (note HARDWARE) and some idiot suing Rumsfeld and Bush on behalf of whales, WHALES, for the Navy’s use of low-frequency sonar…. How much weirder can this world get?? Sigh….

And yet another sigh…. My desktop computer system is dead… Again… And it’s just over 2 years since I changed the burnt Pentium 3 that I had to my current system. Sigh.. At least the processor is still under warranty so most probably Intel is gonna replace that for me. No such luck for the motherboard though. Warranty expired barely 2 weeks ago. These guys are getting good at estimating lifespan of products man… But frankly speaking, I thought I could go ahead and upgrade to the newer generation of Pentium 4 processors and get a bit more RAM at the same time. But then again, I wouldn’t want to burden my dad too much. Sigh sigh sigh….

Studies is NOT coming along good. SC451 is killing me, at least the first part of the course is. Can’t really understand what the equations are all about. The notes and texts are not helping much either. So decided to put that aside for a while and start on Cryptography. At least, it’s easier to understand, since it’s my FYP’s area.

Well, gotta go back and complete my Cryptography assignment now. Panic attacks are aplenty… So no cheers tonight… Kekeke….

the otnaicus daily

Thank God that I’m finally done with my FYP. Submi…

Thank God that I’m finally done with my FYP. Submitted the amended report to my examiner today. He seemed friendlier today, and he also reminded me to setup an appointment with him for the demo. I just hope that this demeanor of his keeps up till after my presentation. But I know God is on my side, and nothing shall be able to stop Him. Hehe… I have the ultimate “weapon” after all… Praise the Lord for that… 🙂

2 more assignments to complete. I’m still at a lost when it comes to finding a suitable to study this month. My usual study gang have taken to studying in the Hall 13 study room. Nothing wrong with that but the track back to my hall each night can be quite long. Comtemplating studying in my room but I don’t know how effective that can be. So I might end up trying the SCR but it closes 9pm or 10pm, so must get a friend along so we can stay later. Then can have a person inside to open the door from inside. Hahaha… We’ll see how it goes.. Have to faster faster finish up my assignments. Sigh…..

2.5 weeks to go before exams and counting. Time to get my butt into gear and moving. Until the next time… Cheers…. :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Sigh. Now that my FYP is 99% done, I feel super fr…

Sigh. Now that my FYP is 99% done, I feel super freed up. Now to get into gear for studying for exams and to complete my other two assignments. To be frank, I’m getting a bit panicky regarding the impending exams. I was shocked into reality when I got the mail this morning regarding exam seating arrangemnts. Bo pian but to start studying.

Something funny happened today while I was in a meeting with my supervisor. He asked me what grade I was expecting, or rather wanted, for my FYP. I sat there stunned for a while, unable to answer. All that came out from my mouth was “erm… erm… erm… ah…. erm…”… Well, you get the picture. After a bit of that, he just asked me what is my average grade and I told him and then he said he’ll see what can be done about that. Haha.. I was like wow!!! I still can’t believe that God has blessed me with such a great supervisor. Hehe.. Praise the Lord. Plus he mentioned something about some textbook and a possibility of getting my work in it. So we’ll see how that goes. But if it happens, it’s gonna be a wonderful opportunity.

Got the router I borrowed to finally work. At least I can have simultaneous access to the NTU network for my PC and notebook. But on the downside, Network Neighbourhood is now just my two computers, if you guys know what I’m talking about. But I think I can live with that. Now, to make sure that MJ can access my comp…. Haha… I guess we’ll test that when she comes back to hall….

Gotta go to bed soon… Meeting with my supervisor at 10am tomorrow morning to discuss final changes to my report. Then I’ve got 2 hours of lessons and then to church, then to a dinner at SAJC (my alma mater) and then to a movie. Long day. So adieu to all and a good night… Cheers…. :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Wow… Just realised that I haven’t updated my blo…

Wow… Just realised that I haven’t updated my blog for so long… Well, here goes… Hahaha…

Parents came in to town today cuz my dad had to travel down to JB for work. So they decided to spend an evening with me. Usual stuff, shop a bit, ate dinner then shop some more. Then they went back and I headed for a friend’s grandma’s wake. Stayed there till around 2am before leaving. And now, here I am…. 🙂

Yay!! FYP almost done, the report that is. But I’m just worried whether my examiner would want to accept my amended report. Don’t know why but I’m just scared and worried, almost to the point of plain panic. God, help!! I so want to do well, pass and graduate. Please please please help me…… Just some minor amendments that I need to get done by Thursday evening and send it off to my supervisor. Then I should be done for good with my FYP….

Sigh… No mood to really write anything much now. Just wanted to update update a bit. So I’m gonna bid all a good night… Sweetest dreams…. Cheers… :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Just can’t resist posting this during my lecture…..

Just can’t resist posting this during my lecture…. Saw this on a t-shirt of a person sitting right in front of me…

“I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure: Try to please everybody.”

Okay… Back to my lecture… Cheers… :Þ

the otnaicus daily

WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! As of 1.32am on Thursday …

WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! As of 1.32am on Thursday morning, I am 98% done with my FYP… My last two programs are now working perfectly and all that is left for me to do is to finalise my report and do the final testing. And I’m free as a bird… Yeah… Free as a bird to start studying…. Hahaha.. Exams in a month….. 🙂

Anyway, yeah, just wanted to share that joy with my readers. Off to bed soon… Nitey nitez… And yeah… Cheers….. :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Sigh… Here I am in the lab again, slacking away….

Sigh… Here I am in the lab again, slacking away. Ever since I got here at around 2pm, I’ve watched the 2nd episode of Joey, that new sitcom with Matt le Blanc, and then searched around for music to listen to, took a 15 to 20min nap, and now, here I am typing an entry in my blog. Productive afternoon huh?

Having a hard time looking for the resources I need to make my two other programs. At least, now I’ve found one and can make sure that one of my FYP-related programs can work and work correctly. Just an update on my FYP, supposed to be finishing up my report for tomorrow and then another two more programs to do some performance comparison. One is almost done, hopefully not much to debug.

Was chit-chatting with my supervisor after discussing my FYP just now. Realised that in just under 1.5 months I’ll be out of here; here being NTU. Kinda sad having been here for the past 5 odd years of my life. Gotten to know tonnes of people, people from the OnZ Club, people like MJ, where we can sit and “biatch” and take walks around NTU with and many many others. I guess I’ve gotten very used to life in NTU, my nice little (but messy) cubbyhole that I’ve called my home for the past 5 years. But I guess it’s time to face facts and move on with life. This chapter is closing, and a new one is opening. And what a long chapter it’s gonna be. Work. No more long school holidays. But well, I know one thing’s for sure. Everything’s gonna be alright as long as God is there walking down this road with me.

Well, I hope that I’ll still be able to keep in contact with all these friends of mine, friends that I don’t wanna lose just because I’m not in the same school as them anymore. It won’t be everyday that I talk to them, but at least we can call each other up and chit-chat and stuff.

Think I’m gonna head back to my work. My throat is irritating the heck out of me. And a bout with sinus yesterday isn’t helping the situation. Anyway, until next time… Cheers….. :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Well, what can I say. It has been a very interesti…

Well, what can I say. It has been a very interesting week. Especially on Monday and Tuesday evening. Simply fun.

We had a steamboat dinner on Wednesday evening to kinda celebrate the Mid-Autumn festival. Don’t know whether they got round to doing that or not since I had to leave early to go to church for the Children’s Church rehearsal. Ended up doing my FYP report there cuz the rehearsals were a bit neither here nor there. But at least, I got something done that evening. Hehehe…

Speaking about my FYP report, it’s progressing well. But I’m very lethargic when it comes to starting my 4th chapter. Why? Cuz have to run the program a few hundred times and then do screen captures and stuff. Okay, I am exaggerating, but really, I still don’t have a clue as to how to piece the chapter together. I mean, there’s really gonna be a lot of screen captures to do. Oh God, do give some guidance on this one k? It’s coming to an end. Just help me persevere a bit more.

The weekend is rolling around. Definitely gonna be in church again, but hopefully, I don’t have to go down on Sunday. So at least I got a whole day free to work on my report. Plus hopefully, a little something else. Haha. For those of you who have wandering brains, don’t let it wander to far. Not gonna do something stupid.. Hehehehe….

Oh well, time for me to go get my laundry and then off to bed. Until next time, cheers…. 🙂