the otnaicus daily

Gong Xi Fa Cai

Happy Chinese New Year!! Gong Xi Fa Cai!!!

Yeah yeah, I know that I’m late with the wishes and it’s like the fourth day of the New Year already. But hey, better late then never right?

Anyway, I got excuse one okay? In Penang lah. So using dial-up. So leceh to log in. So never log in regularly. So…… Ah well, you get the idea.

The simple life in Penang. Away from all the hassles and problems in Singapore. Jobs, accomodation, the works. Feels like running away from it all huh? Well, still get troubled when I start thinking about it. Coupled with the fact that I’ll be returning to all this troubles soon. Sigh… God, please help me. Show me the corect way….

Anyway, gotta go shower and sleep. Think parents are gonna wake me up early again. Haha…. And I’m supposed to recover from my sleep deprivation….. So… Good night and sweetest dreamz… :Þ

the otnaicus daily

What a Wonderful Week…

First off, cell group. Pastor Aries, my cell leader, shared some stuff with us that volunteers from the Heart of God Church produced. It’s a DVD commemorating their church’s anniversary. Although it was a simple edit of pictures and video, one thing really struck out is the quality of the production. The DVD menu was simply wonderful. It looked absolutely professional, like it was done by a professional. Then Pastor shared one thing with us, never to be complacent. If they, as volunteers, can put out such a wonderful production, how much more should we be able to do, considering that we have a media department and the resources. It really struck a chord in me. Somehow, I just felt that maybe our crew is having it a bit too easy and even us as leaders, are content and happy with where we are. Even as Pastor preached the CG sermon, during the point about complacency, that struck home the point. So conclusion? DOn’t be complacent. Strive for more…..

Then came service. Attended Service 3 today. Rev. John Bevere preached in this service, as well as the other services for the weekend. For Service 3, he preached something on the grace of God, and what it means to us. One superbly powerful word, that again struck a chord in me. Towards the end of the service, His presence just fell. Never felt anything like it in a while. Cutting the long story short, I guess my life will never be the same again after today…..

It’s just the second month of this year, and I feel that God is already beginning to take me up another level. There’s this nagging feeling in me this year that something great is gonna happen. And this nagging feeling that I need to do something more than what I’m comfortable with now. Time to sit down and plan my goals for this year. Something that I have been neglecting. And time for me to start getting serious with my walk with God.

Well, I guess that’s about it. Time for bed. Next update should be from Penang, Malaysia. Headed back there for the CNY. Until then, good night, sweet dreams, God bless and cheers…. :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Go East…

Yup… Going east is what I’ll probably do when I get back from Penang for the CNY. Shifting to Tampines. Far from church, yes. Far from town? Well, I can only conclude that it takes about the same amount of time to travel down to town both from Tampines and Boon Lay. Like the place I saw. My friend from church rented the whole place and I’m taking one of the bigger rooms. Air-conditioned too. Haha… Yeah, think I’ll go for it. Unless something happens.. Like what can happen… Haha…

Went to Chinatown to witness the Chinese New Year festivities for the first time ever since I came to Singapore. Went to shoot photos and videos with some of the TV Ministry members. We had some fun, walking around and shooting those things CNY. Wish I had a better lens to play with. It’s pretty limiting shooting with a f3.5-4.5 lens. But f2.8 lenses cost so much money. Waiting for a blessing from the Lord.

Well, kinda a long day ahead tomorrow. So I had better go to bed liaoz. Blog again soon… Cheerio…. :Þ

the otnaicus daily

In Operation from New Premises…

Finally… Settled in to my new premises at Meng Tat’s place. Just for the time being, but the feeling of finally getting out of hostel is good. No more nagging feeling of you had better get out of there soon. Room’s a bit bigger here, but with all my stuff, it’s pretty packed up too. Didn’t unpack much cuz this is a temporary stop in my hunt for a more permanent solution.

My whole body is aching now. My knees and ankle especially. Have been up and running the whole day and just simply tired. Feet also aching like mad. Hopefully tomorrow morning will feel better. Cuz it’s another long day ahead in church. Or rather, should I say long weekend….

My room back in hall is in a complete mess. Gonna clean it up a bit on Monday before I go and surrender the key. Just a small courtesy to the next occupant of the room lah….

Okay, that’s all for now. Need to go to bed liaoz… Until the next time, ciaoz… And cheers…. :Þ

the otnaicus daily


Finally…. I’m finally moving out of Hall 6 this Friday evening. So if you guys see me online on Friday evening, I’ll be staying at my temp accomodations, courtesy of Meng Tat and his parents.

Haven’t been updating often cuz I have been driving myself crazy packing. Threw away loads of stuff and still got a lot of loose stuff to pack up. My desktop will be the last to be packed, which is on Friday itself. So probably will be surviving a bit on my notebook. Thank God for my notebook. But my notebook got no tuner card. Hey… I’m not complaining….

Well, I’d better get back to my packing first. Else I’ll be super pressed for time again. Until the next time, keep on smiling…. Cheers…. :Þ

the otnaicus daily

End of Hall Life….

Came back yesterday and saw this suspicious looking letter slipped through my door. Ripped it open and ta da… It’s a letter to chase me out of hall. Ha ha. Well, I guess this would have happened sooner or later. I guess I could continue to stay and let them charge me at $7.50 a day but something in me is telling me to move on, to close this chapter of my life and to start writing the next chapter.

So this coming week I’ll be spending a lot of time throwing away things and packing. Hope I have enough boxes to dump all my stuff in. Gonna be moving to Meng Tat’s place first. I just thank God that He has blessed me with good friends who can help in time of need. At the moment, not gonna be staying with Raymond already cuz of some change of plans on his side. So gonna see one of the TV crew’s house on Tuesday to see whether it’s a viable place to stay. I don’t know him all that well, but at least he’s not a complete stranger. And, he’s from church… Hehehe…. 😉

Oh well, the jitters are in me, with all the changes and stuff. But I pray that God will help me remain calm and take things in my stride. And somehow, through all this, I can emerge a person who has gained some experience. This is unchartered territory that I’m walking into. But with God by my side, who can be against me.

Well, off to bed then. I’m trying not to think about this too much, but do keep me in your prayers. Good night, and sweetest dreamz…. :Þ

the otnaicus daily

The Tsunami Incident and Stuff….

Sigh… I know it’s been like almost three weeks since this incident happened, but whenever I read about it in the newspapers, tears come to my eyes. It’s interesting to see what can happen in this world that we live in. Interesting and yet devastating. For those who have lost people in the incident, my condolences and prayers are with you. It’s tough to have this happen, making it the lousiest end ever to a year. But all this can be expected in the end times.

Well, it has been a busy two weeks for me. Have been running about a bit. Job search update. Still looking. Found two interesting ones at Agilent but have yet to do anything about it. Gonna do it soon. I promise.

Past two weeks or so have been hanging out with Michelle a lot. No, not the Michelle that’s in TV but the Michelle who’s studying in SCA Australia. It has been fun shopping and catching up with her. She has only been coming back once a year since she went to Australia to study and I dare say this time round she’s back, I’ve spent the most time with her. It’s great to fellowship and catch up with a friend who’s been away for ages. Somehow, when the friendship is close and strong, no matter how far apart and how long you’ve been apart, the wonders of friendship just brings everything back in place. Seriously taught me something about friendship.

Sigh.. Time to go to bed. Another long day tomorrow. Will update soon… Cheers…. :Þ

the otnaicus daily

A Very Warm Welcome to 2005…

Yes… The New Year is here… It’s 2005. We are experiencing 1st January all over again; and in the near future, all the other dates that we have experienced in the past year… But it’s a new year… Time lost cannot be regained… I hope that all of you have made good use of 2004 and have met your goals and visions that you have set for yourself. For those of you who’re like me, and the only aim in life has been to get out of University, well, I’m finally out… Hee… 🙂

This new year has carried mixed feelings for me. For a start, it marks my transition out of schooling and studying into a life of full-time, career-building work. I’m praying hard that I’ll land a good job with a good pay soon. Being a professional bummer is not something that one can do for the rest of one’s life. Also, the tsunami thingie has taken the world by storm also, no pun intended. My prayers and condolences goes out to all those who have lost somebody. Tragedy? Yes. Unexpected? Definitely. Possible? Nothing is impossible… I guess we just have to be prepared for the worst that can happen. I thank God that my family is fine, and that we live in a pretty sheltered part of the world where we don’t experience earthquakes and tsunamis and volcanoes.

Guess what? My sister got a scholarship to get her doctorate degree. So I guess she’ll be staying a few more years in Melbourne to complete her studies. Congrats…..

Oh well, enough soppy crap out of me for now. Happy New Year to one and all. And I wish all of you a wonderful and a happening year ahead. May all your dreams come true.. Cheers…. :Þ

the otnaicus daily

The Last Week of 2004

So, we’re down to week 52 of 2004. The last week of the year. A time for reflections anyone? Haha. Well, for me, it has been quite an interesting year. Crushes, studies, projects, exams, ministry, etc. Some of you should know what I’m talking about, some may know all of what I am talking about. But yes, it has been a fine year. And I praise the Lord for what has happened. And I praise the Lord for 2005, even though I’m feeling a tad directionless and aimless. But by faith, I believe that God has wonderful things in store for me. Just need to sit down and pray for that direction even as I plan. The message for cell this week was good. Spoke a lot to my life, especially at this juncture of my life.

Okay. I promised to explain why I was so drained. It started on 23 December. I had to be in church at 7.30am for Children’s Church rehearsals and then for their service at 11am. After their service, had to stay back for another round of rehearsals until about 6pm. After that had to go down to Singapore Indoor Stadium (SIS) for another set of rehearsals and briefings. Reached home at about 2am on 24 December. Had to be in church at 7.30am again for Children’s Church on 24 December. A rehearsals and then service till 5pm. Rushed down to SIS for service. Reached back at midnight. Slept at 2am of 25 December. Woke up at 7am. Went for service again. After service, prepared to move back all equipments to church and set up equipments in church.

Okay… That was a mouthful… And that’s why I am drained… Haha… Happening weekend right?? But it’s all worth it cuz we’re serving the Lord. And I’m still recovering from all that lost sleep.

Watched Kung Fu Hustle today. An ultimately funny and crappy and lame show. Should catch it… 😉

Today had a ministry appreciation for the leaders. Short CG then followed by gift exchange, awards ceremony and food. Food was good man.. Self-wrapped poh piah and home-made pizza and sausages. It was fun. I do hope that Pei Lu will enjoy the lounge worship CD I bought. You know lounge music for chilling out? Yeah, same thing, but Christian-nized (if there’s such as word). It’s pretty good actually. I might just go back and buy the CD… Keke…

Okay… I guess that’s all for now?? Until next time, cheers…. :Þ

the otnaicus daily

Happy Birthday to Jesus

Yeah, I know. A bit late for this post. But Merry Christmas to one and all.

This post is short cuz I’m drained. Explained in next post, hopefully…

Good night… Cheers… :Þ