the otnaicus daily

Edition 305 – I’m Back

Wow… It has been two months since I last blogged. I think it’s high time that I brushed the cobwebs off this blog.

I have been kept relatively busy since my last blog on my engagement. Work is always there on the agenda. Of course, planning for the wedding. And now I’m taking driving lessons.

Thoroughly enjoyed my CNY break. 10 days! And first time I see my sister in two years. Really missed her and had a good time catching up, and playing the role of brother again. Haha. Family and a little home-cooked food always goes a long way to cheer up and refresh the soul.

Learnt quite a fair bit about the intricacies of pre-wedding traditions while I was back for CNY. I realised that over generations, details of the traditions of a Chinese wedding gets watered down. As much as we Chinese want to keep to the traditions, often we find out that we don’t know much and we try to find out from relatives and friends. Conflicting info often results in frustrations, which can lead to arguments. Important to keep a cool head, especially when things are not going your way.

And so even as I embark on my wedding planning process, I find myself clueless and at a loss. No info = no decisions made. No decisions made = time lost. Basically, just feeling a bit overwhelmed by all this. It’s like you’re doing it for the first and only time. No second chance to improve. But then, this is something that you wouldn’t want to do for a second time. Praying for God’s guidance.

As for my driving lessons, enjoying them very much. But thinking about the cost can be quite discouraging. Guess I will just have to scrimp on some stuff. Need 20+ lessons and at $39 a pop, it’s gonna add up. This is not counting the amount that I have to pay for testing services and all. Stress.

Life goes on. Asia Conference is around the corner. Easter is around the corner. Going to be a busy few months. Hopefully, after that is a lull period. Until next time, cheers… :Þ

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