the otnaicus daily

Edition 302 – Singaporean

I just realised that about one month has passed by since I last updated my blog. Getting lazy nowadays. I would have some thoughts in my mind to pen down, but when I sit down in front of the computer to type it all out, somehow I just don’t know how to put it into words.

Some major changes has happened in that one month. If you’ve guessed from the title of my post that it has something to do with my nationality, then you are right. After overcoming some stumbling blocks and waiting for six months after applying, I received my letter of approval. And a month later, after renouncing my Indonesian citizenship, I’m now officially a Singaporean. Yup, pink IC and all.

Along with that, a name change so that I can take up my Chinese name. So from hence forth, I’m known as Teoh Soo Chee, Andrew. In Chinese, that would be 赵树淇, or 趙樹淇. But don’t worry, I still respond to all my old names and ways of calling me. Just thought I’d put this out there so at least when I use my Chinese name, confusion will be limited.

So how does it feel to be a Singaporean? To be honest, I don’t feel much of a difference. Maybe it’s because I’ve stayed in Singapore for so long that I already feel like one long before I obtained citizenship. But I think I’ll definitely enjoy the perks that come with citizenship. High on that list is the ability to travel to many countries without the need of a visa. Now, to save up the money and head to those destinations!!

Definitely more changes are to come in my life. It’s going to move into another chapter very soon. Not going to spoil it by revealing everything right here right now. So do look in from time to time to get some updates. Haha. Said as though I’m a very important person…

Anyway, until the next time, cheers… :Þ

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