the otnaicus daily

Edition 295 – A Post… Finally…

I just realised that it has been a good half a month since I last blogged. Think I’m falling into the rut that my blog once fell into. The updates just get less and less and finally stops altogether. Trying hard not to let that happen.

Work has been busy. Suddenly, I seem to have multiple things that I need to work on and they all seem to come with high priority. As much as I want to prioritize, how do you do that with things that rank very much the same on the priority list? I guess I got to set up a schedule for me to finish up all the tasks. At the moment, it seems quite overwhelming. God, grant me the wisdom to manage my time…..

I’ve begun to treasure my days off very much. I don’t know why, but it suddenly seems as though I don’t have a lot of alone time anymore. Maybe it’s because of the nature of the job. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the work. It’s just that off days seems that much more precious in this line. It feels as though you’re on a well-deserved holiday and all you want to do is to just sleep in, and slack around at home. Ahhh…. Bliss…..

Weather has been murderous lately. Hot, humid, and no wind. Reminds me of summer in Taiwan. The sun beats down relentlessly and hurting your skin. It has been raining the past few days and the weather slightly cooler, but I long for the weather that we had at the beginning of the year. Pray that this hot and humid season will come to and end. Almost feels like a heat wave.

Suddenly just crossed my mind why I may be blogging less: Twitter!! You can check me out at But do note that my posts there are protected, so you would have to ask for my clearance.

Anyway, time for me to hit the sack. So until the next time, cheers…. :Þ

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