the otnaicus daily

Edition 292 – Rawr!!!

A few strangers got on my nerves while walking back from Tampines MRT station after Easter drama rehearsals on Sunday. I don’t know whether it was just me in a not-so-good mood, or it was really the inconsiderate, everything-for-myself attitude that a lot of people seem to have on that particular day.

First up, it was the lift. So the lift doors opened and people stepped out. Before anybody could even get in, the doors started closing. Now, should common sense and a bit of considerateness prevail, people standing inside the lift by the controls should have reached out for the door open button. But no. The entire “contents” of the lift was just staring at me trying to keep the door open. Imagine that.. Just STARING… I mean, how selfish and ignorant and inconsiderate can one get? Oh, not just one, it was a lift-load of people. Argh!!

And then while trying to get out of Century Square, a bunch of people just started squeezing past me and Debbie as if we were not there. Just plain dumb lah. Either they couldn’t estimate the space correctly, or they are underestimating their own size. I know it’s mean, but that was what was running through my mind then.

Sigh…. Am I being very idealistic? Is common sense really not that common? Is considerateness (if there’s such a word) really that difficult to come by?

Le sigh……. :Þ

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