the otnaicus daily

Edition 291 – Long Day

Finally got around to visit the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority, better known as ICA, to submit my application for Singapore citizenship. As usual, when I submit these kinds of applications, it tends to become a bit “drama” during the process. Today didn’t prove to be an exception.

So it started from the day before. Forgot to bring documents to photocopy. So I thought that I’d just scan it from home and print it out using my printer. As my scanner was old and could only work with my old computer, I had to setup my old computer to do the scanning. When all was setup, I found that the scanner, for some odd reason or other, refused to work. Spent another hour or so trying to figure it out but finally gave up. Went into office at the crack of dawn on D-day to get things photocopied. After that, I had to rush home to pick up another document that I forgot.

At the same time, I discovered very late on the night before that I needed some details from my parents. I had to wake them up very early in the morning just to get their details. Felt very bad.

Met with a bad traffic jam when travelling from home to ICA via cab on the PIE. Second time in a row while taking cab in the morning and meeting with a bad traffic jam. This time round, I saw three sets of pile-ups. All within 100-200 metres. I was wondering whether it was all part of the same big pile-up. At least 7 to 8 vehicles were involved.

Anyway, after all that “drama”, I finally submitted the application. Thank God that the number of people applying for citizenship is far far much less compared to people applying for permanent residency. So it took much faster than anticipated. All I can do now is sit and wait for a favourable outcome.

All in all, a very good day indeed. Tiring, but good. Do keep me and my application in prayers. Hope to hear good news from ICA very soon. Until the next time, cheers… :Þ

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