the otnaicus daily

Edition 288 – Morning Prayer Meetings

And so I attended all the morning prayer meetings last week. Okay, 4 morning and 1 evening. To say that it was tough is an understatement. Struggeled with waking up and staying awake. But it was definitely worth it. Even though I struggled a bit to stay awake, the amazing thing was that I was functioning at almost peak efficiency. Got my work done on time and never did once feel sluggish. Praise the Lord for that!!

Valentine’s Day this year was quite a boo-boo because I didn’t plan for it, and coupled with the fact that it landed on a weekend. I gotta start getting off my lazy laurels and make things happen. The rest of this year WILL be different.

Work-wise, it’s all good. I’m still not a very independent worker yet because there are still plenty of things to learn. But I do hope that I’m gradually moving towards there. I want to come to a stage where I’m assigned a job and then can get it done without asking too many questions. Not that asking questions is bad, but I feel that as an independent worker, one should be resourceful and with enough knowledge such that the task can be accomplished efficiently. Definitely wanna move in that direction….

The 2nd month of 2009 is approaching an end. Time really does fly, whether you’re having fun or not. Until the next time, cheers… :Þ

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