the otnaicus daily

Edition 286 – Post Bali

Almost a week has gone by since I returned from Bali. Yes, there are plenty of pictures but I haven’t gotten around to completely processing all of them  yet. When I get the chance, I will post some here or on some photo sharing sites.

Enjoyed Bali a lot. Nice hotel, nice beach, great sun, and definitely fantastic company. The part that I enjoyed the most is definitely the 2-hour spa session. And the food… Oh, how I miss Indonesian food. And no matter where we are in the world, we will stumble into a Starbucks and have a cup of refreshing coffee. Bali is definitely a place I would go back for a second visit. The whole idea is just to stay in some resort and get away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Now that I’m back in Singapore, I’m full swing into my new job. First full week and I’ve attended some meetings and had a couple of late nights. Work is definitely picking up pace. So have to shift quick into high gear and get out of the end-of-year/start-of-year slow mode. All in all, I’m adjusting well to my job. Still learning the ropes, but I’ve been able to keep pace. So all’s good.

Looking forward to a wonderful 2009. And in case I don’t post in time for CNY, here’s wishing everybody a wonderful CNY!! Until the next time, cheers… :Þ

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