the otnaicus daily

Edition 284 – Christmas….

After going through so many Christmas drama rehearsals, and watching the rehearsal DVD, I just feel that we’re back to square one in terms of shots. It’s very different watching from a makeshift stage and watching when the dramatists are on the actual set. Camera angles change, more cameras become available for use. And when that happens, I feel lost. Well, we just have to buck up during the rehearsals tomorrow.

Recently, I don’t know why but I started learning PHP. That’s a scripting language use for the web. And my first project as I’m picking it up is to create a management system for the TV ministry. Actually, I wanted to use the language that I’m good in, which is Java, but it seems much more complicated than a PHP-based website. So I’m taking this opportunity to work on one and to pick up a new language. Hope this steam that I have to work on this will not die out… Haha…

Don’t know why, but recently there seems to be nothing to blog about. Maybe it’s been really a slow month. So until the next time, cheers… :Þ

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