the otnaicus daily

Edition 280 – Spring Cleaning

For the blog, that is… Too many cobwebs…

Well, haven’t been very motivated to blog at all since I got back. A lot of things have happened that cannot be really penned here. Those who know me will already know the things that have or are happening in my life right now. Don’t worry, I’m doing okay. Just going through a valley right now.

Just a quick update here and there. Work has been alright. Current work status is slacking with spurts of work to do every now and then. Currently prepping for quite a major patch of the project that I’m working on. This patch, or rather upgrade, will introduce a whole lot of features. Hope I’ve gotten every aspect covered. And hope that the actual upgrade goes on fine without a hitch. It’s quite scary actually.

Been also helping out quite a fair bit over this week at Xtron. Asia Conference is rolling up very fast and very furious. Can’t believe it’s just another 5 days to the conference. Next week is going to be a very exciting time and I’m looking very much forward to it. Keep us in prayer and pray that everything goes on smoothly.

That’s all for now folks. Do keep me in prayer especially during this season of my life. Until the next time, cheers… :Þ

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