the otnaicus daily

Edition 275 – Randomness

A random entry… Here goes…

  • Adobe CS4 is cool. It finally makes use of nVidia’s GPUs to accelerate graphics performance. For example, you can get some real-time rendering in After Effects CS4
  • Upgraded to Windows Live Messenger 2009 Beta. Yes, still in beta stage but I’m liking what I see. Just that Messenger Plus doesn’t work with it yet.
  • Taiwan trip drawing nearer. Not exactly looking forward to it but kinda have to go.
  • I realize that I’m not a person who likes to do documentation. I don’t mind editing for content and grammar, but don’t like creating it.
  • This is my first post using the latest version of Windows Live Writer. Yes, also still in beta.
  • For those of you who wants to get your hands on these new beta versions, surf round to You’ll download an installer that allows you to select the other Live apps that you want to install.
  • After a day of cool weather, it’s now hot and humid again in Singapore. Le sigh…
  • F1 is here in Singapore this weekend. Excited. But I’m going to be 4000+KM away. Hope I get to the hotel in time to catch the live broadcast of the race.
  • Saw somebody on the train with the Blackberry Bold today on the way to work. I must say, it looks as stunning as it does in ads. Couldn’t really catch a glimpse of the screen properly, but the device is stunning beautiful and beautifully stunning.
  • I’m currently sleepy.

See, told you this post was going to be completely random. Till next time, cheers… :Þ

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