the otnaicus daily

Edition 266 – Morning Prayer Meeting and More…

Decided to sacrifice some sleep and woke up early today to go down for the morning prayer meeting that has been happening the whole of this week. Had to wake up pretty early to get to Jurong West by 7am but it was all worth it. Talked to God about one pretty major decision I have to make (more about it below) and it has brought some perspective to the situation. I will definitely go down more often next week for the meets.

For the past few weeks, one thing that was burdening me was a potential job cum career change. As most of you know, I’m in the IT line and the switch is to a event/media production line. The former is my job, the latter is my interest. It seems natural to most that it is obvious to go along with something that interests you. That is when one would actually enjoy working. Working becomes play.

But to me, I tend to start considering a lot of things, most of which relates to the future. A lot of “what-ifs” start flooding my brain. What if I find that I’m not suitable for the job? What is the career path in this line? What if I can’t get used to the working hours? What if this? What if that? I think you catch my drift here.

There was a time when going into the media line was something that I yearned. I remember during one point in my university career that I even pondered about switching courses to mass communication. But as I was about to graduate and this door was opened before me, I balked at the chance. Reality of life suddenly sank in and I found myself asking the same questions that I’m asking myself today. To be honest, the opportunity has knocked more than just that one time.

Fast-forward to today and the opportunity presented itself again. Do I take the plunge? Is this really God’s calling for me in my life? Seriously, a lot of thoughts are swimming in my mind. Praying about it this morning helped a bit but it still left me with having to take the courage to make the decision. My friends have been advising me to not think too much and go with your interests. What can I say, I have an “adventurous” mind that likes wandering off. At least I can say that I enjoy working with the group of people and the work. (My wandering mind just asked me: “Will the interest be long term or will it die out?” See what I mean….).

But it’s crunch time and I have to make the decision soon. Not nice and not fair to ask for the person to wait for my decision forever. So do keep me in prayer as I keep myself in prayer. Pray that God will lead me in the right direction (I think I kinda know what direction that is).

Until the next time, cheers… :Þ

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