the otnaicus daily

Edition 258 – Belated Updates

A lot has happened over the past two weeks or so that I have never gotten the chance to write about. And so here goes…

This year’s birthday was once of the best that I’ve had. Started on the midnight of 14 June 2008 where the Father’s Day drama team celebrated my birthday after the rehearsals. I think I spoilt their plans a bit when I came up too early to the control room. But nevertheless, I’m touched and appreciative of their thoughts and actions. Then after ES2, my ES2 team celebrated my birthday. Again, I spoiled the surprise because during debrief, I wanted to go find Karen in the audio room and they walked right out of the same room carrying the birthday cake. The look on the faces of those carrying the cake out was priceless. But again, thank you all for remembering and celebrating.

Of course, the best surprise came from Dear. She gave me an envelope in the cab ride from JW back home. Opened the envelope and I was very delighted and surprised at what I saw. Background story first. When Dear and me went to the Singapore Flyer, I noticed this shop called “Flight Experience”. They sell time for flights in a Boeing 737-800 simulator and they weren’t exactly cheap. I was planning to go back there and try it out one day. And so, my wishes have been fulfilled by Dear. I was so elated and still am. Now just to plan a time to go take that flight.

Last Sunday (22 June 2008), Dear and me went to Forest Adventure to be “monkeys”. Well, it’s a tree-top course that included zip lines (flying fox) and stuff. My body is still aching 3 days after but it was good fun. Sorry, but no pictures. Brought the camera along but just didn’t have the chance to stop and take pictures. Planning on going back there again sometime. Anybody want to join me?

Work has picked up a bit in the last two weeks. Chasing deadlines here and there. No more slacking. Managing a project is not easy, even though it’s just enhancements and change requests. But I’m trying to take it all in my stride. It’s definitely challenging and hard work, but I’m having a bit of fun at it.

This is one long update. Something that I’ve not done in a while. Anyway, got to sign off here and get back to work. Until the next time, cheers… :Þ

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