the otnaicus daily

Edition 253 – The "Too Free" Feeling

I’ve been back in Singapore for about two weeks now. The feeling that I get from being able to stay in Singapore for more than one week is fantastic. For now, there are no plans to go back to Taiwan, although I’m sure that the opportunity will come up.

Now that I’m based back here in Singapore, I’ve suddenly developed the “I’m-too-free” feeling. Problem is that I’m not free. There are things to do and deadlines to meet. I’m doing them and I’ll be able to meet deadlines, but the mad rush feeling is gone. Kinda makes me feel very laid back and void of any motivation. Guess I just have to tune my body back to the Singapore work habit. No more rushing about like when I was in Taipei. Don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Does it mean that I’ve been stretched or does it just mean that I’m lazy? Haha. Well, what ever it is, I pray that this feeling doesn’t hang around for too long.

The office is very empty nowadays (hmmm, I wonder if this contributes to the “too free” feeling). A lot of staff are on-site at the customer’s place, including the team that was in Taiwan together with me. Feels like I’m “left behind”. Miss those days when there were people in the office and out of a sudden, a conversation that is not work-related will burst forth and everybody will jump in to contribute. Guess that’s one thing I like about this company I’m in now. Everybody is cool with everybody else. And best of all, minimal politicking.

On another topic, I recently purchased a water filter thingamajig from Brita. And after drinking water from that filter, all other water now tastes weird to me. Even the water from my office’s water cooler, which is filtered, tastes weird. Okay, this part is way off-topic and random.

Gotta get back to work now. Until the next time, cheers… :Þ

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