the otnaicus daily

Edition 247 – The Frontline

Week one back at the battle zone has passed. This week, I’ve managed to set a new record. Latest stayed in the office. On Tuesday, I left the office at 3.15am. That’s definitely a first for me. Suffice it to say that the week has been extremely tiring. Worked whole day on Saturday too. Today, I decided that I would not do a single piece of work and just relax the day away. Hey, everybody needs some downtime too.

I watched service this morning. Woke up just in time to catch the start of the sermon. One heck of  a message. Spoke to the core of my being. And even though I’m 2000 kilometres away, I could feel the presence of God in my apartment. Pastor Tan spoke prophetically at the end of the sermon and I was blown away. He mentioned that some of us were called to serve full-time and have procrastinated at accepting that calling. At that, I just cried my heart out. Why? Because God opened that door for me more than once. Truth be told, He opened that door 3 times. I could just recall the time back in university when I said that I wanted to serve God full-time in the media department one day. There were a lot of reasons (read excuses) that I gave for not accepting the calling, the challenge. Will that opportunity ever present itself again? Would I, once again, waver at the opportunity? Question one, I leave to God, But more importantly, I must be ready for when the opportunity presents itself again.

My friends are in Taipei this week. I was supposed to follow them down to Taroko Gorge for the weekend to take in the magnificent views. Alas, that was not to be. Work came a-calling. A missed opportunity. But I really hope to be able to visit that place before I go back for good. I’ve always loved visiting places with a view, to take in the breathtaking views that God has created. That’s why one of my must-go destinations is New Zealand. Drive from the tip of the North Island to the tip of the South Island. Sounds like a good backpacking trip indeed. Now to plan and save up for it.

Anyhow, back to more relaxing and getting myself mentally and physically ready for the “war” tomorrow. Do keep me in your prayers. I forsee the next week and maybe the following week to be tough ones. I’ve come very close to throwing in the towel a few times, but yet each time God reminds me that it’s not about the race. It’s how we finish it. That’s just about the only thing that is keeping me going right now. Not to mention God’s never failing strength.

So until the next time, cheers… :Þ

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