the otnaicus daily

Edition 245 – Time for Recharge

It’s nice feeling to sit in a Starbucks at the airport on the way home to Singapore. Finally, this trip to Taipei is over. Time to go end this “tour of duty”, go home and recharge.

Yesterday evening, I felt most of the pressure lift off me. I say most because I still have deadlines to meet when I’m back in Singapore. But at the very least, I’ll be away from the frontline where the battle is happening. Feels good to be able to get away and recharge my batteries after a tiring two weeks. Two weeks of ranting, early mornings, late nights and generally long days. Two weeks of facing the customer head on during test sessions. Two weeks of finding surprises after surprises. But I’m glad that I can leave that behind for now. For at least one week.

I thank God that this trip is over. It has been the toughest trip to Taipei but I am thankful to have the favour and the strength of God during this time. Challenging? Definitely. Stretched? Of course. I feel that because of this experience, my capacity has been enlarged somewhat. Learnt a lot of new things. Picked up some people skills. Grown a bit. Like the Bible says, God never puts us in situations that we can’t come out of. So looking at this trip from the positive side, I have indeed learnt a lot.

During the last two weeks, I found myself applying the stuff that I learnt while leading the a team in the TV Ministry. Often times I catch myself chasing people for answers to questions that I have asked but received no assurance of getting a response. I found myself asking this question a lot: “Why like that???”. Sounds familiar? Think what I’m trying to say is this; that whatever we picked up in the course of serving the Lord, those valuable lessons do come in handy in the real world. I have come to realize that applying those lessons and principles really do help me get my job done. And putting God at the head of the project and the job at hand is definitely something that you shouldn’t forget to do. Because ultimately, it’s His strength through us that works the wonders. And at the end of the day, all glory goes to Him.

Easter is coming up. I’m slated to AD for the drama at Expo. At the same time, feel a bit in a dilemma because my dearest won’t be involved. So that means I won’t get to see her as much during my one week back. But I hope that I’ll be able to find time to spend together even through the busyness of Easter.

A side note. For those of you who found my blog inaccessible in the previous few days, fret not for I’m still here. My hosting provider got some unannounced “scheduled” power cut to their data centre and as a result they had a lot of damaged equipment. But all should be well now.

So I have finished a tall latte while blogging. Time for me to head through immigration and security and onto the gate. So until the next time, cheers… :Þ

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