the otnaicus daily

Edition 244 – Quote of the Day

Saw this in a friend’s MSN nickname…

Before promotion comes trials of faith. Question: what is your faith level today?

Definitely spoke a lot to me. It comes as quite a bit of an encouragement even as I walk through the “valleys”. Do I have faith that God will provide a good ending to this mess? Do I have faith that God has put me in this situation for my good? Do I have faith to trust God to provide me the strength and wisdom to face this situation?

Even if the answer to the above question is a resounding “yes”, how confident am I of that faith? And if the answer is “no”, then shouldn’t I start to do something about it? To stop wallowing in this situation and start looking at the bright side of what I’m going through?

Thanks my friend, for speaking this word into my life. You have no idea how much I needed that at this moment in time….

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