the otnaicus daily

Edition 243 – Sink… Or Swim… Your Choice…

How many times have we felt like just throwing in the towel when faced with an infavourable situation? How often do we feel like we’re carrying a load so heavy that we just to toss it to one side and give up? How about feeling so tired and demoralized?

Well, that just about sums up my entire week. And the thing that brought it on was a bout of miscommunication. Which moves me to another point -Communication. The thing that is most important thing in society and the thing that is most often put on the back-burner. I say “A” and you deduce “B”. I tell you “C” and you go do “A”. Sounds familiar?

I think in my entire life, I’ve not experienced such a bad case of miscommunication before. Here we are going into the last lap of this project. The systems integration test (SIT) is almost complete. And the lonely ol’ me that’s holding the fort here in Taipei while my PM is back in Singapore, finds out that a critical component of the system is NOT ready. My heart literally fell to the depths. To exaggerate, my heart has been to hell and back. And so, I’m going to be burning my third consecutive weekend in Taiwan.

But looking back at this week, I thank God that He has been there every single step of the way. I feel that the favour of God has been with me every step. The people from the client’s side hasn’t exactly blown up at me, although they show their disappointment. And overall, I think we have made a good impression of ourselves here that they tend to be slightly more forgiving. But most of all, I have to thank God for the strength. Late nights and early mornings. I’ve been averaging 5-6 hours of sleep per night. And I’ve been working from 9am all the way to 9pm everyday. Tiring? You bet. But God’s strength was always there. And because of Him, the towel hasn’t been tossed.

Next week the PM is back. So perhaps a little less heat will be directed towards me? Bad hor? It’s going to be another long week ahead. So do keep me in prayers. And pray that this will all be over soon.

Headed off to place a deposit into the sleep bank and to meet my dear old friend “Zhou Gong” for a game of chess. And I haven’t forgotten about the pictures. Please be patient yah… Until the next time, cheers… :Þ

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