the otnaicus daily

Edition 237 – Quote Of The Day

Heard this quote from a friend a while back. Shook me quite a bit when I heard it.

Specificity is the basis of all co-operation.

Rev. Dr. A. R. Bernard

Profound? Let me explain a little bit. Imagine that you wanted a cup of non-fat, no-foam caramel latte from Starbucks. You asked your assistant to help you get one but when you told him/her, you just said you wanted a cup of coffee, expecting that he/she would be able to get the job done correctly. But all your assistant did was run over to the nearest coffee shop to get you a cup of black coffee. Not what you wanted at all, right? Now, if you would have specified exactly to your assistant that you wanted a non-fat, no-foam caramel latte, your assistant would have been able to do the job correctly and be up to your expectations.

Apply that to the bigger things in life, such as the projects that you manage. You can see that tasks can’t be done to exact specifications if the specifics weren’t there in the first place.

So there you go. Some food for thought. Cheers… :Þ

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