the otnaicus daily

Edition 229 – Christmas At Chang’s

That’s the title of this year’s Christmas production. Had the first full-day reherasal yesterday. Only managed two runs but I hope we’ve managed to plot the majority of the shots. Today will be a day of fine-tuning the shots and will be hearing a lot of “We’re doing this for TV”… But the drama looks simple enough from TV’s perspective. Hope they don’t ask for the world.

Yesterday, in between rehearsal runs and after dinner, JH managed to find a DVD that contained last year’s Christmas production, which was entitled The Kefira Show. Brought back a lot of memories. Also brought home the fact that one year has passed. One year… Gone just like that… And I wonder what I have done with that year. Time to sit down for a spot of reflection. But no matter what, thank God for being with me through the ups and downs of life.

Today’s rehearsal got pushed from 10am to 2pm. Thank God for the extra time to sleep in and recharge. But starting late equals to ending late. So definitely going to have a longer night today. But the drama team seems to be having fun and they come well prepared to last the long day. Armed with laptops, internet connection, snacks, drinks and plenty of fellowship, they’re ready to take on what the day can throw at them. Really proud of these guys who take time out from their schedule to help out with the production. They come and they tough it out, through the long waits and frequent shouts over the comms.

Gotta get ready to go out now. Long day ahead and want to have a proper lunch before I get to Expo. I don’t know how late dinner is going to be today. My guess is they would want to get in some proper runs before they end the day. So until the next time, cheers… :Þ

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