the otnaicus daily

Edition 228 – Christmas

Somehow, it doesn’t feel like Christmas this year again. But the fact is that Christmas is just around the corner. Next Tuesday to be exact. And I just don’t have that Christmas feeling. Busyness of work? Perhaps. I hope that feeling rolls around soon. Maybe it’s a choice to make to have that Christmas feeling. Oh well….

This year’s Christmas production is pretty good. Been through 2 rehearsals already and it’s shaping up to be pretty good. Getting a bit nervous though as I’d need to start directing come Thursday. It struck me that I haven’t directed a drama in ages. I pray that God will guide me and everything turns out well. I want to play my part to make this year’s production the best yet. It’s going to be a long Thursday and Friday as the drama team moves in to Expo. There’ll be lots of tech runs and full-dress runs and definitely a lot of waiting time in between. But like every drama, I’m looking forward to the fellowship and the fun the drama crew will have together.

Went for a jog yesterday night after ages of not jogging. Now my legs hurt. Well, not hurt until I can’t walk, but still I can feel the pain when I walk. But it was good. Felt very refreshed after that jog although I couldn’t jog as far or keep up my previous pace for obvious reasons. Going to try to get in some more sessions before I start flying to Taiwan again.

Going to head back to work now. Will update again when I have the chance. I will try to get a post in or two in between runs at Expo. It’s going to be like camping there. Haha… Until then, cheers… :Þ

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