the otnaicus daily

Edition 226 – Frustrations

Going to unload a bit in this post, so pardon me.

It was a pretty decent day today except for one conversation over Skype that kind of drove me almost over the edge of losing my temper.

So here’s the situation. I was asked to make changes to a program that is used to submit a SMS or MMS for sending. And so I made the changes, tested the program out and it all worked fine and dandy. So I called my fellow developers who are going to use the program. And after a brief discussion, a comment was made that the changes did not meet what he had in mind. I was like can I read your mind? You never even tell me what you had in mind in the first place and I’m expected to know? And it’s not like this is the only thing I’m working on now. I don’t mind making changes, just let me know what is expected and I’ll try my best to work to what is expected. Argh….

Anyway, it’s all behind me now. Just wanted to rant a bit. Friday is fast approaching and I don’t want anything to spoil the mood. Looking forward to boarding that plane on Friday morning and zooming back to Singapore.

Until next time, cheers… :Þ

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