the otnaicus daily

Edition 216 – Leaving Taipei

And so I continue the tradition of blogging from the airport prior to departure. But this time round, I’m doing it in style. Instead of sitting at the gate holdroom and blogging while waiting for the boarding call, I’m sitting at the EVA business class lounge having breakfast, surfing the net and blogging away. Business class? Yeah. But before you think that this is a new company perk, it’s a free upgrade with my miles.

Anyway, it’s great to be able to go back to Singapore after four weeks here in Taipei. As usual, miss all the comforts of home plus church and of course Debbie. My parents are going to drop by as well next week for a short visit.

Kinda have a busy week planned ahead. Got a couple of dinners with friends and a outing on Thursday with the TV Ministry. Incidentally, Thursday is a public holiday in Singapore. It’s the day where the Indian community celebrates Deepavali. So another short work week in Singapore for me.

The project is going quite well. I hope that it will not drag on too long in Taipei and I can return permanently to Singapore soon. It’s coming to a stage where testing is about to begin and that’s when we shift in to troubleshooting mode. As of now, I still have some stuff on my plate that I need to complete. Me being in Singapore will make those tasks a bit difficult to accomplish but I’ll find a way. Perhaps will shuffle things around to make it all work.

Hope the flight ahead will be enjoyable. Let’s see what Eva Air’s Business Class has to offer. I’ll sign off now and get ready for boarding. Until then, cheers… :Þ

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