the otnaicus daily

Edition 209 – The End of Another Week

Here comes the end of another week. Time well spent with friends and Debbie. Time well spent with God at church and cell group. Time well spent fellowshipping with the CHCTV Saturday Crew. But time that has never failed to fly pass in such a hurry. And it’s almost time for me to head back once again to the foreign land of Taipei.

Found out this week that the launch date of the project that I’m working on has been pushed back to 31 January. That means an extra month in Taipei. And a lot of features that are supposed to be included in this project has been taken out and shifted to phase 2 of the project. And the phase 2 is what is getting me worried.

Worried? Yes. Not because the task at hand is superbly difficult. But rather the prospect of spending another 6 months away long term is difficult to come to terms with. And although Debbie has been patient and God has been good in granting us grace to keep this relationship strong, it is beginning to feel like a long distance relationship. And that is the part that I’m most worried about. I guess there comes a point in time where I need to be ready to talk to my boss about this.

Okay, enough about that for the moment. I’m flying back into a typhoon this Sunday. And apparently it’s a strong and big one. Hopefully the worst of it will be over by the time the flight makes landfall over Taiwan. I’m not exactly excited about arriving at home with a luggage and having to lug it into my apartment with heavy rain all around.

Finally got my work laptop fixed. Sent it in for servicing and they replaced the lid of the laptop for me. The plastic around the hinge of the screen began to crack when I was in Taipei. Couple that with a frequently crashing computer while it starts up. But because of that I had to transfer all my data into a new, albeit temporary, laptop while my own was in the service centre. Wasn’t that bad when I thought the service would take quite long and I would get to keep this new laptop for at least a month. But I managed to get my laptop back within a day and now I have to transfer everything back again. Sigh… Time waster… But bo pian lah..

That’s about the updates I have for now. I shall blog from Taipei when I get there. Until then, cheers… :Þ

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