the otnaicus daily

Edition 206 – Long Weekend

The long weekend has started here in Taiwan. Next Tuesday, 25 September 2007, is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Here in Taiwan, it’s a public holiday. And just because it’s a Tuesday, the government declares the Monday a holiday, thus making it an ultra long weekend. But then again, that doesn’t mean much to me as I, along with my colleagues, follow the Singapore calendar. So we will continue to work from home. Sigh…

I’m off to Kaohsiung tomorrow. A new city to explore. Hopefully the weather will hold and we’ll get to explore some nice places over there. Taipei is becoming a bit stale for me so a visit to another city is a good change, even though it’s only for two days and a night.

It’s been a pretty good week. Scored a little personal victory by making a program that actually works after all the sweat and blood that I’ve poured into it. Now to test the actual product and hope it works as I hope it would.  I guess the lethargy that I’ve been having the whole of last week has been dispelled. And I pray that it doesn’t come back as I go into my final week here in Taipei.

Looking forward to the trip home. Miss church, miss the ministry, miss my cell group and most of all, I miss Debbie. Seems like I say the same thing every time but every time I say it, it’s from the bottom of my heart. I guess my heart is still very much where my home is. And home, at the moment, is Singapore. Definitely going to make use of the time back there properly and cherish every moment of it.

Don’t expect pictures from Kaohsiung too soon though as I only have film camera with me. Yes, it’s not a typo. I only have a FILM camera with me. So I’ll post them when I can, or rather if I can. You see, the camera belongs to my parents and not me. It’s possible that I won’t get to see the pictures until I next return to Penang.

I’ll sign off here first. Got some testing (a.k.a. work) before I head to bed. Until the next time, cheers… :Þ

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