the otnaicus daily

Edition 202 – Back In Taipei

Bear and Dear

The week back in Singapore has flown by just like that. And I’m now back in Taipei. I can only wish that I had more time here in Singapore. I know for sure that I’ll miss Debbie so much when I go back there. It just feels so nice to be able to be with her, to go out with her, to touch her… But I also believe in God to know that even as we are apart, that God will bring us closer through the distance. This has been belief, this is my belief and this will always be my belief.

I did something a little out of the ordinary last Friday. Bought a bear from Build-A-Bear Workshop that’s located at Suntec City. Meant it as a surprise for Debbie but forgot that I’ll be meeting her for a movie after the outing with my colleagues. All worked out well. Debbie asked me to go to her house to get a jacket for her as we will be watching a movie (Evan Almighty; more on that below). So I just asked her mum to place it in her room. And I achieved the goal of surprising her. See the top of the post for the picture and the bear has a birth certificate as pictured to the left.

So I caught Evan Almighty with Debbie. It’s supposed to be a sequel to Bruce Almighty. This time the theme is building an Ark. The director of the movie is Catholic and so Christian/Catholic themes were very much abound in the movie. They are subtle, but definitely present. One quote that really caught my attention is this:

Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other?

The quote is so true isn’t it? A lot of times we think that God will just drop the thing we have prayed for into our laps. We pray for a car, we expect the car to appear in the garage the next day. We pray for a way out of financial difficulty, we expect a million dollars in our accounts the next day. We pray for good job, we expect the job offer to be in the mail. That’s usually our reaction. That was a kind of revelation for me as I was watching the movie. Cool eh? Common grace at work….

Well, I’m headed back to work. Lunch hour is over and I have some documents to deliver on top of programming work that has to be done. So until the next time, cheers… :Þ

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