the otnaicus daily

Edition 201 – The Bourne Ultima-puke

The Bourne Ultimatum. The verdict: good action, nice storyline, good plot. But the director has to seriously consider using TRIPODS!!!! It’s nice to have that organic shake that only a handheld camera can produce but when action scenes start, that’s when the puke-fest can start too. Doesn’t help that the cameras were, at times, too close to the subjects during those action scenes. I had to close my eyes during some of these scenes to avoid making a mess in the cinema. My advice: if you’re prone to motion sickness, sit far far far away from the screen.

Back to life. It’s been quite a busy week so far. A lot of things to cover and a lot more to come. Time is flying and I wish it shouldn’t fly so fast. Don’t really want to go back to Taiwan. Going to miss lots of people, and at the very top of that list is Debbie. And at not a very fantastic time for her either. Wish I could remain here to be with her as she transitions into her new job.

And the “best” thing happened this morning. I was supposed to meet up with a client to do some support work. I was on my way to his office on a cab when he rang at 9.30am (appointment was at 10am) and said he had to postpone it to tomorrow. Call earlier lah for crying out loud!!! Waste time and waste money only lor. Argh…..

Okay, enough ranting. Gotta head back to work. Tonnes of programming to do. Until the next time, cheers… Þ

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