the otnaicus daily

Edition 194 – A Not-So-Boring Weekend

Time flies and I’m into my second week in Taipei for this stint. Pray that the time flies even faster now. Can’t wait to get back to Singapore.

Went down to New Life Church last weekend on both Saturday and Sunday. I was there on Saturday to attend a rehearsal for a drama performance. Main purpose? To help out their TV ministry when it comes to drama performances. The drama has a pretty abstract storyline and I’m still trying to grasp it even after watching it two times. But it has been postponed to next week.

And Sunday? I was there to attend service and help out in the ministry. And because the church is renting a hall for their Sunday services, I helped them teardown after the service and shift their equipment back to their premises. So the Sunday turned out like any other Sunday I would have in Singapore. Early mornings and by the time we’re done in church, it’s after 3pm.

I’m going down to help out in their training class after work today. I hope language won’t be much of an issue. And I definitely need to find a cheaper way to get to the church aside from taking a cab. It’s approximately SGD20 both ways. *gulp*

Work at the moment is at a low point. All the meetings have stopped for now, except for the regular weekly update meetings. The required documents have been delivered and are now being reviewed. So I’m back to being able to do the stuff that I have backlogged. At least, I have the evenings to myself. For now…

Going out now for lunch and it’s back to work later. Until the next time, cheers… Þ

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