the otnaicus daily

Edition 193 – Halfway Through The Week

It’s the end of Wednesday. It has been a long week so far. Late nights. Long meetings. The works. So you get a vague idea on how my first 3 days back in Taiwan is like. But I thank God for His strength and perseverance.

Have not been  getting enough sleep the past few days because of the rush to get a particular document ready. I do hope that there’s nothing much to do tonight. At least can relax one night. It’s way too tiring to continue on like that but some people seem to be able to do it. For me, I can’t.

Something I find irritating struck me while in a meeting today. Why is that when we are so close to finalizing stuff, another person steps in and gives tonnes of input and expects us to work miracle literally overnight? I understand that the person might have tonnes of other meetings to attend but why not just bring out your opinions and suggestions and “bright” ideas out earlier? Why can’t that person put himself into our shoes? Does he think that I have 48 hours to a day? Just strikes me as weird and very irritating. And worse is that, he keeps on saying that it’s his last suggestion or it’s the last stage but that doesn’t ever seem to be true. Argh!!!!

Okay… Enough venting… And I’m not going to revisit that. Just needed to get it off my chest. I really do hope that I can leave the office soon. And I’m praying very hard that the next 3.5 weeks will fly by painlessly.

Until the next time, cheers… :Þ

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