the otnaicus daily

Edition 180 – First Full Day In Taipei

A rather tiring day today. Two meetings. With a very big gap in between. But good news is that there are no meetings for the next two days. So it’s just going into office to get work done, which is good, because the documentation work is piling up and the time available to complete them is like never enough.

Did my first presentation today. Well, not a full-blown presentation, but just recapping the minutes of the meeting. And I managed to do it in my barely passable Chinese. And I’ve been arrowed to prepare the slides for the next meeting which is on Friday. And you’re wondering why the documentation work is piling up. Haven’t prepared a presentation in a while so hope I’ll be able to do a good job.

Well, gotta head off and get some work done. Until then, cheers… Þ

2 replies on “Edition 180 – First Full Day In Taipei”

Hmm I have to say…
Be encouraged man! It’s got to mean something when you’re handpicked out of a bunch of other peeps who could go! Means there’s trust, means they have confidence in your abilities. It’s always a level above in people who belong to God. Recognize that this is a blessing that God has given. Ppl of the world see getting picked as being picked on… ppl of God see it as opportunities and blessing. Training ground for us that we might bring Him glory, praise, and honour.

Be blessed!

Thanks. I’ve always looked at this as a challenge from God and something for me to go through and emerge from the other side of the valley stronger and a step up.

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