the otnaicus daily

Edition 179 – The Week Gone By

The week back in Singapore has been hectic. I didn’t even find the time to blog. Touched down on Friday, 25 May 2007 and the first immediate thing was to go visit Debbie. Saturday was spent in church and Sunday I slept in and attended service online. Was dead tired. Slept a lot on Sunday. And finally helped Debbie do something that I’ve promised her for a while, which was to paint her room, or rather a small segment of the room.

Dear in her dress

Monday to Wednesday was work. Went shopping with Debbie for a dress on Wednesday for her brother’s wedding dinner. Spent about an hour, maybe more, trying on a lot of dresses. Found a few that suited her fine and settled on one, which is the one you see in the picture.

Thursday to Sunday was Emerge 2007. Took a day off on Friday so that I can be there to help for the services. What can I say? Emerge has definitely gone up another level. The opening night session was broadcast live via satellite (God TV) throughout the world! And I was directing! And the crew performed admirably. It was definitely a first for the TV ministry. How I wish I could watch the broadcast as I directed it. It would be so cool. And that’s me and Debbie in the picture below in front of the dish that did the uplink to the sDear and me in front of satellite dishatellite.

It was a pretty hectic week. Tired? Yes. Fulfilling? Absolutely.

Back again in Taipei now, and that’s where I’m blogging from. Going to be here for two weeks and then I’ll be back in Singapore for a week before flying up here again. Next time round, I’ll be here for 4 weeks at a stretch before going back to Singapore for a week. Anxiety did hit me yesterday night. But I’m trying to take it in my stride.

I’m gonna stop here and try to get a bit of work done before I head to bed. So until the next time, cheers… Þ

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