the otnaicus daily

Edition 175 – Emergency!

Alright, not as bad as you think it’ll be. Had just been asked on Sunday morning to fly over to Taipei as soon as I can to support my superior in a round of meetings with the company’s clients there. The project manager, who was supposed to go, got very sick at the last moment and I had to pinch hit for him. And so I shall be flying tomorrow and should be back by Friday.

On another track, yesterday’s sermon was beautiful. It talked about having purity of heart. It talked about obeying God and obeying Him all the way and not half way. And the new worship song was just fantastic. The lyrics so touched my heart. The words of the chorus felt as though those were the words I want to say to God right there and then. The chorus:

One life, I lay at Your altar
One love, I have with You
Touch me again
Fill me as You hold
My outstretched hands

One word, You know I will follow
One heart, broken to You
Use me again
Your mercies follow me
For all my days

Simply beautiful right? Yeah, I want to have that connection with God once again!!

Alright, gotta head back to work. Don’t know why blogging in the office has become a ritual. Haha. Until the next time, cheers… Þ

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