the otnaicus daily

Edition 171 – Beginning of May

It’s been a pretty eventful start to May. Parents are in town, church had a family day yesterday to appreciate everybody and directing for my third concert. And I foresee it to be a pretty eventful month ahead.

It’s funny how time flies by so quickly. Almost half the year is gone and before you know it, it’ll be Christmas all over again. Sometimes I wonder how did all that time just go by. It seems like yesterday that we embarked on something and with a blink of an eye, the year has gone by. All the more we should treasure the moments that we have right now and make every second count.

Yesterday, I directed my third concert, which was Sun’s mini concert during the CHC Family Day yesterday. It was a more fun as it was home ground and I had 8 cameras and an experienced TV Ministry crew to boot.  The only downside was the crowd was chaotic. There was absolutely no room for the cameras on the floor area to move and all the nice shots we got to see during rehearsals were not possible. But we made do and it turned out to be quite a fantastic production. Kudos to the crew!!

May also arrives, bringing with it a bit of fear and uncertainty. Most of you know that I’ll be headed to Taiwan to work again. Although I’m feeling a bit encouraged by the word shared by Robb Thompson last Thursday and Saturday, there’s still a fair bit of fear in me. The scope of my responsibilities have been revealed to me and it’s a lot. I’ll be taking the lead in the development of the web user interface and, frankly speaking, I’m worried. Worried why? Worried because of the fear of not being up to the task, worried about not being able to perform, worried about a tonnes of other things that I have not begun to worry about. I definitely feel honoured that I’m given the responsibility, but it’s gonna take a lot of hard work, pain, sweat and tears. And I will definitely God’s guidance, strength and determination is this. He is definitely going to be my pillar during this time, not only in work but in the personal areas of my life as well.

For now, I’m headed back to work. So until the next time, cheers… :Þ

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